Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-11 04:03:41 +00:00
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

164 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry')) {
define('sugarEntry', true);
//assumes SugarMin.php is in same directory
if (isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])) {
} else {
//if we are coming from browser
if (isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])) {
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
//get the root directory to process
$from = $_REQUEST['root_directory'];
$forceReb = false;
//make sure that the rebuild option has been chosen
if (isset($_REQUEST['js_rebuild_concat'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['js_rebuild_concat'] == 'rebuild') {
//rebuild if files have changed
$js_groupings = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])) {
} else {
//iterate through array of grouped files
$grp_array = $js_groupings;//from JSGroupings.php;
//for each item in array, concatenate the source files
foreach ($grp_array as $grp) {
foreach ($grp as $original =>$concat) {
$concat = sugar_cached($concat);
//make sure both files are still valid
if (is_file($original) && is_file($concat)) {
//if individual file has been modifed date later than modified date of
//concatenated file, then force a rebuild
if (filemtime($original) > filemtime($concat)) {
$forceReb = true;
//no need to continue, we will rebuild
} else {
//if files are not valid, rebuild as one file could have been deleted
$forceReb = true;
//no need to continue, we will rebuild
//if boolean has been set, concatenate files
if ($forceReb) {
} else {
//We are only allowing rebuilding of concat files from browser.
} else {
//run via command line
if (isset($argv[1]) && !empty($argv[1])) {
$from = $argv[1];
} else {
//Root Directory was not specified
echo 'Root Directory Input was not provided';
if ($argv[1] != '-?') {
if (!function_exists('sugar_cached')) {
if ($argv[1] != '-?') {
if (!function_exists('sugar_cached')) {
function sugar_cached($dir)
return "cache/$dir";
if ($argv[1] == '-?') {
$argv[2] = '-?';
//if second argument is set, then process commands
if (!empty($argv[2])) {
if ($argv[2] == '-r') {
//replace the compressed scripts with the backed up version
reverseScripts("$from/jssource/src_files", $from);
} elseif ($argv[2] == '-m') {
//replace the scripts, and then minify the scripts again
reverseScripts("$from/jssource/src_files", $from);
BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from, "", false, true);
} elseif ($argv[2] == '-c') {
//replace the scripts, concatenate the files, and then minify the scripts again
reverseScripts("$from/jssource/src_files", $from);
BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from, "", false, true);
ConcatenateFiles($from, true);
} elseif ($argv[2] == '-mo') {
//do not replace the scriptsjust minify the existing scripts again
BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from, "", false, true);
} elseif ($argv[2] == '-co') {
//concatenate the files only
ConcatenateFiles($from, true);
} elseif ($argv[2] == '-?') {
Usage : minify <root path> [[-r]|[-m]|[-c]]
<root path> = path of directory to process. Should be root of sugar instance.
-r = replace javascript of root with scripts from backed up jssource/src_files directory
-m = same as r, only the script is minified and then copied
-c = same as m, only the concatenated files are processed again.
-co = concatenates only the js files that are to be concatenated. Main use is for development when files that make up a concatenated file have been modified.
-mo = minifies only the existing js files. Will not use source files and will not back up scripts. Main use is for development, when changes have been made to working javascript and you wish to recompress your scripts.
*** note that options are mutually exclusive. You would use -r OR -m OR -c
examples: say your patch is located in 'c:/sugar'
You wish to have files from root directory concatenated according to file grouping array, as well as all js files compressed and backed up:
minify 'c:/sugar'
You wish to have backed up jssource files replace your current javascript files:
minify 'c:/sugar' -r
You wish to have backed up jssource files minified, and replace your current javascript files:
minify 'c:/sugar' -m
You wish to have backed up jssource files concatenated, minified, and replace your current javascript files:
minify 'c:/sugar' -c
} else {
//default is to concatenate the files, then back up and compress them
if (empty($from)) {
echo("directory root to process was not specified");
BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from, '', true, true);
ConcatenateFiles($from, true);