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This guide is for people who want to run RSS Bridge using Docker. If you want to run it a simple PHP Webhost environment, see Installation instead.


Create the container

docker create \
--name=rss-bridge \
--volume </local/custom/path>:/config \
--publish 3000:80 \

Run it

docker start rss-bridge

Access it using http://IP_Address:3000. If you'd like to run a specific version, you can run it by changing the ':latest' on the image to a tag listed here

The server runs on port 80 internally, map any port of your choice (in this example 3000).

You can run it using a docker-compose.yml as well:

version: '2'
    image: rssbridge/rss-bridge:latest
      - </local/custom/path>:/config
      - 3000:80
    restart: unless-stopped

Container access and information

Function Command
Shell access (live container) docker exec -it rss-bridge /bin/sh
Realtime container logs docker logs -f rss-bridge

Adding custom bridges and configurations

If you want to add a bridge that is not part of /bridges, you can map a folder to the /config folder of the rss-bridge container.

  1. Create a folder in the location of your docker-compose.yml or your general docker working area (in this example it will be /home/docker/rssbridge/config ).
  2. Copy your custom bridges to the /home/docker/rssbridge/config folder. Applies also to config.ini.php.
  3. Map the folder to /config inside the container. To do that, replace the </local/custom/path> from the previous examples with /home/docker/rssbridge/config