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synced 2025-03-14 04:32:50 +00:00
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import { isSecureURL } from '@baserow/modules/core/utils/string'
import { logoutAndRedirectToLogin } from '@baserow/modules/core/utils/auth'
export class RealTimeHandler {
constructor(context) {
this.context = context
this.socket = null
this.connected = false
this.reconnect = false
this.anonymous = false
this.reconnectTimeout = null
this.attempts = 0
this.events = {}
this.pages = []
this.subscribedToPages = true
this.lastToken = null
this.authenticationSuccess = true
* Creates a new connection with to the web socket so that real time updates can be
* received.
connect(reconnect = true, anonymous = false) {
this.reconnect = reconnect
this.anonymous = anonymous
const jwtToken = this.context.store.getters['auth/token']
const token = anonymous ? jwtToken || 'anonymous' : jwtToken
// If the user is already connected to the web socket, we don't have to do
// anything.
if (this.connected) {
// Stop connecting if we have already tried more than 10 times, if we do not have
// an authentication token or if the server has already responded with a failed
// authentication error and the token has not changed.
if (
this.attempts > 10 ||
token === null ||
(!this.authenticationSuccess && token === this.lastToken)
) {
this.context.store.dispatch('toast/setFailedConnecting', true)
this.lastToken = token
// The web socket url is the same as the PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL apart from the
// protocol.
const rawUrl = this.context.app.$config.PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL
const url = new URL(rawUrl)
url.protocol = isSecureURL(rawUrl) ? 'wss:' : 'ws:'
url.pathname = '/ws/core/'
this.socket = new WebSocket(`${url}?jwt_token=${token}`)
this.socket.onopen = () => {
this.context.store.dispatch('toast/setConnecting', false)
this.connected = true
this.attempts = 0
// If the client needs to be subscribed to a page we can do that directly
// after connecting.
if (!this.subscribedToPages) {
* The received messages are always JSON so we need to the parse it, extract the
* type and call the correct event.
this.socket.onmessage = (message) => {
let data = {}
try {
data = JSON.parse(message.data)
} catch {
if (
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data, 'type') &&
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.events, data.type)
) {
this.events[data.type](this.context, data)
* When the connection closes we want to reconnect immediately because we don't
* want to miss any important real time updates. After the first attempt we want to
* delay retry with 5 seconds.
this.socket.onclose = () => {
this.connected = false
// By default the user not subscribed to a page a.k.a `null`, so if the current
// page is already null we can mark it as subscribed.
this.subscribedToPages = this.pages.length === 0
* If reconnecting is enabled then a timeout is created that will try to connect
* to the backend one more time.
delayedReconnect() {
if (!this.reconnect) {
this.context.store.dispatch('toast/setConnecting', true)
this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(
() => {
this.connect(true, this.anonymous)
// After the first try, we want to try again every 5 seconds.
this.attempts > 1 ? 5000 : 0
* Subscribes the client to a given page. After subscribing the client will
* receive updated related to that page. This is for example used when a user
* opens a table page.
subscribe(page, parameters) {
const pageScope = {
if (
(elem) => JSON.stringify(elem) === JSON.stringify(pageScope)
) {
// If the client is already connected we can
// subscribe to updates for all pages.
if (this.connected) {
this.subscribeToPage(page, parameters)
} else {
this.subscribedToPages = false
* Unsubscribes the client from a given page. The client will
* stop receiving updates related to that page.
unsubscribe(page, parameters) {
this.pages = this.pages.filter(
(item) => JSON.stringify(item) !== JSON.stringify({ page, parameters })
remove_page: page,
* Subscribes the client to a new page if the client is
* connected.
subscribeToPage(page, parameters) {
if (this.connected) {
page: page === null ? '' : page,
* Requests real time updates for the list of pages that
* have been collected by the subscribe() call.
subscribeToPages() {
if (this.subscribedToPages) {
for (const { page, parameters } of this.pages) {
this.subscribeToPage(page, parameters)
this.subscribedToPages = true
* Disconnects the socket and resets all the variables. The can be used when
* navigating to another page that doesn't require updates.
disconnect() {
if (this.connected) {
this.context.store.dispatch('toast/setConnecting', false)
this.context.store.dispatch('toast/setFailedConnecting', false)
this.reconnect = false
this.attempts = 0
this.connected = false
* Registers a new event with the event registry.
registerEvent(type, callback) {
this.events[type] = callback
* Registers all the core event handlers, which is for the workspaces and applications.
registerCoreEvents() {
// When the authentication is successful we want to store the web socket id in
// auth store. Every AJAX request will include the web socket id as header, this
// way the backend knows that this client does not has to receive the event
// because we already know about the change.
this.registerEvent('authentication', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('auth/setWebSocketId', data.web_socket_id)
// Store if the authentication was successful in order to prevent retries that
// will fail.
this.authenticationSuccess = data.success
this.registerEvent('user_data_updated', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('auth/forceUpdateUserData', data.user_data)
this.registerEvent('user_updated', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceUpdateWorkspaceUserAttributes', {
userId: data.user.id,
values: {
name: data.user.first_name,
this.registerEvent('user_deleted', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceUpdateWorkspaceUserAttributes', {
userId: data.user.id,
values: {
to_be_deleted: true,
this.registerEvent('user_restored', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceUpdateWorkspaceUserAttributes', {
userId: data.user.id,
values: {
to_be_deleted: false,
this.registerEvent('user_permanently_deleted', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceDeleteUser', {
userId: data.user_id,
this.registerEvent('group_created', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceCreate', data.workspace)
this.registerEvent('group_restored', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceCreate', data.workspace)
store.dispatch('application/forceCreateAll', data.applications)
this.registerEvent('group_updated', ({ store }, data) => {
const workspace = store.getters['workspace/get'](data.workspace_id)
if (workspace !== undefined) {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceUpdate', {
values: data.workspace,
this.registerEvent('group_deleted', ({ store }, data) => {
const workspace = store.getters['workspace/get'](data.workspace_id)
if (workspace !== undefined) {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceDelete', workspace)
this.registerEvent('groups_reordered', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceOrder', data.workspace_ids)
this.registerEvent('group_user_added', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceAddWorkspaceUser', {
workspaceId: data.workspace_id,
values: data.workspace_user,
this.registerEvent('group_user_updated', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceUpdateWorkspaceUser', {
id: data.id,
workspaceId: data.workspace_id,
values: data.workspace_user,
this.registerEvent('group_user_deleted', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('workspace/forceDeleteWorkspaceUser', {
id: data.id,
workspaceId: data.workspace_id,
values: data.workspace_user,
this.registerEvent('application_created', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('application/forceCreate', data.application)
this.registerEvent('application_updated', ({ store }, data) => {
const application = store.getters['application/get'](data.application_id)
if (application !== undefined) {
store.dispatch('application/forceUpdate', {
data: data.application,
this.registerEvent('application_deleted', ({ store }, data) => {
const application = store.getters['application/get'](data.application_id)
if (application !== undefined) {
store.dispatch('application/forceDelete', application)
this.registerEvent('applications_reordered', ({ store }, data) => {
const workspace = store.getters['workspace/get'](data.workspace_id)
if (workspace !== undefined) {
store.commit('application/ORDER_ITEMS', {
order: data.order,
isHashed: true,
// invitations
({ store }, data) => {
this.registerEvent('workspace_invitation_accepted', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('auth/forceAcceptWorkspaceInvitation', data.invitation)
this.registerEvent('workspace_invitation_rejected', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('auth/forceRejectWorkspaceInvitation', data.invitation)
// notifications
this.registerEvent('notifications_created', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('notification/forceCreateInBulk', {
notifications: data.notifications,
this.registerEvent('notifications_fetch_required', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('notification/forceRefetch', {
notificationsAdded: data.notifications_added,
this.registerEvent('notification_marked_as_read', ({ store }, data) => {
store.dispatch('notification/forceMarkAsRead', {
notification: data.notification,
this.registerEvent('all_notifications_marked_as_read', ({ store }) => {
this.registerEvent('all_notifications_cleared', ({ store }) => {
this.registerEvent('force_disconnect', ({ store }) => {
this.reconnect = false
logoutAndRedirectToLogin(this.context.app.router, store, false, true)
export default function (context, inject) {
inject('realtime', new RealTimeHandler(context))