mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:32:50 +00:00
879 lines
30 KiB
879 lines
30 KiB
"common": {
"dateFormatTitle": "Date format",
"dateFormatEU": "European",
"dateFormatUS": "US",
"dateFormatISO": "ISO",
"timeFormatTitle": "Time format",
"timeFormat24Hour": "24 hour",
"timeFormat12Hour": "12 hour"
"dataProviderType": {
"dataSource": "Data records",
"dataSourceContext": "Available options",
"pageParameter": "Parameter",
"currentRecord": "Data source",
"formData": "Form data",
"previousAction": "Previous action",
"user": "User"
"formDataProviderType": {
"nodeMissing": "Missing"
"builderForm": {
"submit": "Add application"
"sidebarComponentBuilder": {
"settings": "Settings",
"createPage": "New page"
"builderSettingsModal": {
"title": "Application"
"builderSettingTypes": {
"generalName": "General",
"integrationsName": "Integrations",
"themeName": "Theme",
"domainsName": "Domains",
"userSourcesName": "Users"
"createPageModal": {
"header": "Create page",
"submit": "Add page"
"pageErrors": {
"errorNameNotUnique": "A page with this name already exists",
"errorPathNotUnique": "A path with this name already exists",
"errorStartingSlash": "A path needs to start with a '/'",
"errorValidPathCharacters": "The path contains invalid characters",
"errorUniquePathParams": "Path parameters have to be unique."
"pageHeaderItemTypes": {
"labelElements": "Elements",
"labelDataSource": "Data",
"labelVariables": "Variables",
"labelSettings": "Page settings"
"pageActionTypes": {
"preview": "Preview",
"publish": "Publish"
"publishActionModal": {
"title": "Publish",
"description": "Take your app live by publishing to one of the domains. Note that your application can have multiple domains, each running a different version of the application.",
"publish": "Publish",
"publishSucceedTitle": "Site published",
"publishSucceedDescription": "The site has been successfully published.",
"publishFailedTitle": "Site publishing failed",
"publishFailedDescription": "The site publishing has failed. Please try again later.",
"openInNewTab": "Open in a new tab",
"importingState": "Importing",
"noDomain": "You need to have at least one domain in order to publish your application."
"lastPublishedDomainDate": {
"neverPublished": "never",
"lastPublished": "Last published:"
"elementsContext": {
"searchPlaceholder": "Search elements",
"noPageElements": "No elements found for this page",
"noElements": "No elements found"
"elementType": {
"heading": "Heading",
"headingDescription": "Page heading title",
"text": "Text",
"textDescription": "Multi-line text",
"link": "Link",
"linkDescription": "A link to page/URL",
"image": "Image",
"imageDescription": "Display image",
"inputText": "Text input",
"inputTextDescription": "A text input field",
"column": "Columns",
"columnDescription": "Columns container",
"button": "Button",
"buttonDescription": "A button element",
"table": "Table",
"tableDescription": "A table element",
"formContainer": "Form",
"formContainerDescription": "A form element",
"choice": "Choice",
"choiceDescription": "For single/multiple value selection",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"checkboxDescription": "Checkbox element",
"iframe": "IFrame",
"iframeDescription": "Inline frame",
"authForm": "Login form",
"authFormDescription": "A user login form",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"repeatDescription": "A repeatable set of elements",
"recordSelector": "Record selector",
"recordSelectorDescription": "A related record selector",
"dateTimePicker": "Date time picker",
"dateTimePickerDescription": "A date and time input field",
"header": "Multi-page header",
"headerDescription": "A container shared across pages",
"footer": "Multi-page footer",
"footerDescription": "A container shared across pages",
"notAllowedUnlessTop": "This element is allowed only at the top of the page",
"notAllowedUnlessBottom": "This element is allowed only at the bottom of the page",
"notAllowedUnlessHeader": "This element is allowed only inside the page header",
"notAllowedUnlessFooter": "This element is allowed only inside the page footer",
"notAllowedInsideContainer": "This element is not allowed inside a container",
"notAllowedInsideSameType": "This element is not allowed in a container of the same type",
"notAllowedLocation": "This element is not allowed at this location"
"addElementButton": {
"label": "Element"
"addElementModal": {
"title": "Add new element",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search elements",
"elementInProgress": "Adding element..."
"elementMenu": {
"moveUp": "Move up",
"moveDown": "Move down",
"moveLeft": "Move left",
"moveRight": "Move right",
"selectParent": "Select parent"
"duplicatePageJobType": {
"duplicating": "Duplicating",
"duplicatedTitle": "Page duplicated"
"pageSidePanelType": {
"general": "General",
"style": "Style",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"events": "Events",
"eventsTabDeactivatedNoEvents": "This element doesn't support any events"
"emptySidePanelState": {
"message": "Click on one of the elements to see more details"
"pagePreview": {
"emptyMessage": "Click to create an element",
"header": "HEADER",
"footer": "FOOTER"
"elementForms": {
"textInputPlaceholder": "Enter text...",
"urlInputPlaceholder": "Enter url...",
"invalidFormula": "The formula is invalid"
"headingElement": {
"missingValue": "Missing title...",
"emptyValue": "Empty title..."
"headingElementForm": {
"levelTitle": "Level",
"textTitle": "Text",
"textPlaceholder": "Enter text...",
"headingName": "Heading {level} <h{level}>",
"textError": "The value is invalid."
"textElement": {
"missingValue": "Missing text...",
"emptyValue": "Empty text..."
"textElementForm": {
"textTitle": "Text",
"textPlaceholder": "Enter text...",
"textError": "The value is invalid.",
"textFormatTypeLabel": "Format",
"textFormatTypePlain": "Plain text",
"textFormatTypeMarkdown": "Markdown"
"imageElement": {
"missingValue": "Missing alt text...",
"emptyValue": "Empty alt text..."
"generalForm": {
"labelTitle": "Label",
"labelPlaceholder": "Enter a label (optional)",
"valueTitle": "Default value",
"valuePlaceholder": "Enter a default value (optional)",
"placeholderTitle": "Placeholder",
"placeholderPlaceholder": "Enter a placeholder (optional)",
"requiredTitle": "Required",
"validationTitle": "Validation"
"inputTextElementForm": {
"multilineTitle": "Multiline",
"rowsTitle": "Number of lines",
"rowsPlaceholder": "Enter the number of rows of this input",
"validationTypeAnyLabel": "Any",
"validationTypeAnyDescription": "Allow any value to be set in this input.",
"validationTypeIntegerLabel": "Number",
"validationTypeIntegerDescription": "Enforce a number value in this input.",
"validationTypeEmailLabel": "Email",
"validationTypeEmailDescription": "Enforce an email address value in this input.",
"inputType": "Input type",
"inputTypeTextLabel": "Text",
"inputTypePasswordLabel": "Password",
"passwordTypeWarning": "Passwords are sensitive data. Please be careful how you handle and store passwords in your application."
"dateTimePickerElementForm": {
"includeTime": "Include time",
"invalidDateError": "Invalid date. Please make sure the input date matches the given format."
"imageElementForm": {
"fileLabel": "Image",
"invalidUrlError": "URL is invalid",
"altTextTitle": "Alt text",
"altTextDescription": "Is used by screen readers and displayed if the image can't load",
"fileSourceTypeUpload": "Upload",
"fileSourceTypeURL": "URL",
"urlWarning": "Note: please make sure that you have control over, or trust the url entered.",
"uploadFileButton": "Upload file"
"iframeElementForm": {
"missingValue": "Missing IFrame source...",
"emptyValue": "Empty IFrame source...",
"sourceTypeLabel": "Source type",
"urlLabel": "URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "Link to the external resource to be embedded",
"urlHelp": "Note: please make sure that you have control over, or trust the url entered.",
"embedLabel": "Embed",
"embedPlaceholder": "Raw HTML content to be embedded",
"heightLabel": "Height (px)",
"heightPlaceholder": "Height in pixels"
"columnElementForm": {
"columnAmountTitle": "Layout",
"verticalAlignment": "Vertical alignment",
"columnAmountName": "no columns | 1 column | {columnAmount} columns",
"columnGapTitle": "Space between columns",
"columnGapPlaceholder": "Enter space between columns..."
"domainSettings": {
"titleOverview": "Domains",
"titleAddDomain": "Add domain",
"addDomain": "Add domain",
"noDomainMessage": "You have not yet associated a domain with this application. You must add a domain to be able to publish your application. You can publish different versions of your application for each domain listed here."
"userSourceSettings": {
"titleAddUserSource": "New user source",
"titleUpdateUserSource": "Edit user source",
"noUserSourceMessage": "You have not yet added a user source to this application. You must add a user source if you want users being able to authenticate your application.",
"titleOverview": "User sources",
"addUserSource": "Add user source"
"themeSettings": {
"titleOverview": "Theme"
"generalSettings": {
"titleOverview": "General",
"labelForm": "Favicon",
"labelDescription": "Pick a 128x128px ICO, PNG, GIF, or JPEG.",
"labelButton": "Upload favicon",
"cantUploadFaviconTitle": "Couldn't Upload Favicon File",
"cantUploadFaviconDescription": "Sorry, could not upload favicon image. Please ensure the image file is unique and is a supported image format.",
"cantUpdateApplicationTitle": "Couldn't Update Application",
"cantUpdateApplicationDescription": "Sorry, could not update the Application."
"dnsStatus": {
"description": "Visit your domains' DNS settings and make the following changes",
"typeHeader": "Type",
"hostHeader": "Host",
"valueHeader": "Value"
"domainForm": {
"invalidDomain": "The provided domain name is invalid",
"notUniqueDomain": "The provided domain is already used"
"customDomainForm": {
"domainNameLabel": "Domain name"
"subDomainForm": {
"domainNameLabel": "Domain name"
"subDomainDetails": {
"text": "The DNS settings of the domain have already been configured and checked. It works without making any additional changes."
"domainCard": {
"refresh": "Refresh settings",
"detailLabel": "Show details"
"domainTypes": {
"customName": "Custom domain",
"subDomainName": "Subdomain",
"subDomain": "Subdomain of {domain}"
"linkElement": {
"missingValue": "Missing link text...",
"emptyValue": "Empty link text..."
"linkNavigationSelection": {
"navigateTo": "Navigate to",
"navigateToCustom": "Custom URL",
"paramPlaceholder": "Enter a value...",
"urlPlaceholder": "Enter an URL...",
"url": "Destination URL",
"paramsInErrorDescription": "The saved parameters don't match the page parameters. The page has probably been deleted or updated.",
"paramsInErrorButton": "Update parameters",
"target": "Open in...",
"targetSelf": "Same tab",
"targetNewTab": "New tab"
"linkElementForm": {
"text": "Text",
"textPlaceholder": "Enter text...",
"variant": "Variant",
"variantLink": "Link",
"variantButton": "Button",
"buttonColor": "Button color"
"widthSelector": {
"width": "Width",
"widthAuto": "Auto",
"widthFull": "Full width"
"backgroundTypes": {
"none": "None",
"color": "Color"
"widthTypes": {
"fullBleed": "Full bleed",
"fullWidth": "Full width",
"normal": "Normal",
"medium": "Medium",
"small": "Small"
"horizontalAlignmentSelector": {
"alignmentLeft": "Left",
"alignmentCenter": "Center",
"alignmentRight": "Right"
"verticalAlignmentSelector": {
"alignmentTop": "Top",
"alignmentCenter": "Middle",
"alignmentBottom": "Bottom"
"pageSettingsTypes": {
"pageName": "Page"
"pageVisibilitySettingsTypes": {
"pageName": "Visibility",
"logInPageWarningTitle": "The Login Page is not set",
"logInPagewarningMessage": "When an anonymous user attempts to access this page, they will be redirected to a login page. Please set the Login Page in the Application's General settings.",
"logInPageInfoTitle": "Anonymous users will be redirected",
"logInPageInfoMessage": "Anonymous users attempting to access this page will be redirected to the {logInPageName} page."
"pageSettings": {
"title": "Page",
"pageUpdatedTitle": "Changed",
"pageUpdatedDescription": "The page settings have been updated."
"pageVisibilitySettings": {
"title": "Visibility",
"allVisitors": "All visitors",
"loggedInVisitors": "Logged-in visitors",
"description": "Who can see this page"
"pageForm": {
"defaultName": "Page",
"nameTitle": "Name",
"nameSubtitle": "Unique name of the page",
"namePlaceholder": "Enter a name...",
"pathTitle": "Path",
"pathSubtitle": "A parameter can be added via :parameter",
"pathPlaceholder": "Enter a path...",
"pathParamsTitle": "Path parameters",
"pathParamsSubtitle": "Are defined by :parameter in the path",
"pathParamsSubtitleTutorial": "Path parameters can be used to dynamically load data, depending on the provided parameter. Add :parameter to the path to add one."
"pathParamTypes": {
"textName": "Text",
"numericName": "Numeric"
"pageEditor": {
"pageNotFound": "Page not found"
"publicPage": {
"siteNotFound": "Site not found",
"pageNotFound": "Page not found"
"integrationSettings": {
"title": "Integrations",
"noIntegrationMessage": "You have not yet created any integrations. They can be created by adding data source, action or user authentication.",
"integrationMessage": "You can create new integrations by adding data source, action or user authentication."
"dataSourceForm": {
"namePlaceholder": "Source name",
"nameLabel": "Name",
"actionLabel": "Action",
"integrationLabel": "Integration",
"servicePlaceholder": "Select a service",
"integrationPlaceholder": "Select an integration",
"errorUniqueName": "Data source name must be unique."
"dataSourceContext": {
"addDataSource": "Add new data source",
"noDataSourceTitle": "You have not yet added a data source.",
"noDataSourceMessage": "Data sources can be used to fetch data from internal or external sources and display it on the page.",
"sharedDataSourceTitle": "Shared between pages",
"pageDataSourceTitle": "For this page",
"sharedDataSourceDescription": "Accessible on every page and is fetched once on first page load.",
"pageDataSourceDescription": "Fetched when the user navigates to this page."
"dataSourceItem": {
"notConfigured": "Not configured"
"dataSourceItemContext": {
"shareBetweenPages": "Share between pages",
"unshareBetweenPages": "Unshare from other pages"
"dataSourceCreateEditModal": {
"editTitle": "Edit data source",
"createTitle": "Create data source",
"sharedWarning": "This data source is shared so your changes can affect multiple pages."
"defaultStyleForm": {
"boxTop": "Top",
"boxBottom": "Bottom",
"boxLeft": "Left",
"boxRight": "Right",
"backgroundLabel": "Background",
"backgroundColor": "Background color",
"widthLabel": "Width",
"backgroundImage": "Image",
"backgroundImageMode": "Fill mode"
"styleBoxForm": {
"borderColor": "Border color",
"borderLabel": "Size",
"paddingLabel": "Padding",
"marginLabel": "Margin"
"themeConfigBlockType": {
"color": "Colors",
"page": "Page",
"typography": "Typography",
"button": "Button",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"input": "Input",
"table": "Table"
"colorThemeConfigBlock": {
"transparent": "Transparent",
"primaryColor": "Primary",
"secondaryColor": "Secondary",
"borderColor": "Border",
"successColor": "Success",
"warningColor": "Warning",
"errorColor": "Error"
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"backgroundMode": "Background mode"
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"secondary": "Secondary",
"border": "Border",
"success": "Success",
"warning": "Warning",
"error": "Error"
"typographyThemeConfigBlock": {
"headingLabel": "Heading {i} (h{i})",
"headingValue": "Heading <h{i}>",
"color": "Color",
"size": "Size",
"textAlignment": "Alignment",
"bodyLabel": "Body",
"fontFamily": "Font"
"buttonThemeConfigBlock": {
"backgroundColor": "Background color",
"button": "Button",
"defaultState": "Default state",
"hoverState": "Hover state",
"textAlignment": "Text alignment",
"alignment": "Alignment",
"width": "Width",
"textColor": "Text color",
"borderColor": "Border color",
"borderSize": "Border size",
"borderRadius": "Border radius",
"padding": "Padding",
"fontFamily": "Font",
"size": "Font size"
"linkThemeConfigBlock": {
"color": "Color",
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"alignment": "Alignment",
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"inputThemeConfigBlock": {
"label": "Label",
"input": "Input",
"backgroundColor": "Background color",
"textColor": "Text color",
"borderColor": "Border color",
"borderSize": "Border size",
"borderRadius": "Border radius",
"padding": "Padding",
"fontFamily": "Font",
"size": "Font size"
"imageThemeConfigBlock": {
"alignment": "Alignment",
"maxWidthLabel": "Max width",
"maxHeightLabel": "Max height",
"maxHeightPlaceholder": "Enter a max height",
"maxWidthPlaceholder": "Enter a max width",
"imageConstraintsLabel": "Constraints",
"imageConstraintFullWidth": "Extend to max width",
"imageConstraintCover": "Cover",
"imageConstraintCoverDisabled": "Unavailable with empty max height.",
"imageConstraintContain": "Contain",
"imageConstraintContainDisabled": "Unavailable with a max height."
"tableThemeConfigBlock": {
"borderColor": "Border color",
"backgroundAlternateColor": "Even rows color",
"backgroundColor": "Background color",
"textColor": "Text color",
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"separators": "Separators",
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"verticalSeparatorSize": "Vertical size",
"horizontalSeparatorColor": "Horizontal color",
"horizontalSeparatorSize": "Horizontal size"
"buttonElementForm": {
"valueLabel": "Button text",
"valuePlaceholder": "Enter text..."
"buttonElement": {
"missingValue": "Missing button text...",
"emptyValue": "Empty button text..."
"eventTypes": {
"clickLabel": "On click",
"submitLabel": "On submit",
"afterLoginLabel": "After login"
"getFormulaComponent": {
"errorTooltip": "Invalid reference"
"fontSidePanelForm": {
"label": "Font color"
"choiceElementForm": {
"multiple": "Allow multiple values",
"display": "Display",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"radio": "Radio"
"dropdown": {
"empty": "No options available"
"tableElementForm": {
"dataSource": "Data source",
"fields": "Fields",
"fieldValueLabel": "Value",
"addField": "add field",
"fieldValuePlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"itemsPerPage": "Items per page",
"fieldDefaultName": "Column",
"name": "Name",
"fieldType": "Type",
"itemsPerPagePlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"selectSourceFirst": "Choose a data source and/or property to begin configuring your fields.",
"buttonColor": "Button color",
"refreshFieldsFromDataSource": "refresh fields from data source",
"orientation": "Orientation",
"orientationHorizontal": "Horizontal",
"orientationVertical": "Vertical",
"buttonLoadMoreLabel": "Show more label",
"propertySelectorMissingArrays": "No multiple valued fields found to use as rows."
"tableElement": {
"showMore": "Show more"
"abTable": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"empty": "No items have been found."
"repeatElement": {
"empty": "No items have been found.",
"showMore": "Show more",
"missingDataSourceTooltip": "Choose a data source to begin adding elements.",
"missingSchemaPropertyTooltip": "Choose a property to begin adding elements.",
"emptyState": "No records found."
"collectionElementForm": {
"noDataSourceMessage": "Choose a data source with multiple rows to list all results, or a single row data source to choose a property inside this row.",
"noSchemaPropertyMessage": "Choose a property inside the data source to use as the list data of your element.",
"propertyOptionLabel": "User actions"
"propertyOptionForm": {
"fieldHeading": "Field",
"filterHeading": "Filter",
"sortHeading": "Sort",
"searchHeading": "Search",
"optionUnavailable": "Unavailable",
"noPropertiesAvailable": "No fields available.",
"formDescription": "Choose which properties within this element's data source external users can filter, sort and search upon."
"repeatElementForm": {
"dataSource": "Data source",
"itemsPerPage": "Items per page",
"itemsPerPagePlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"itemsPerRowLabel": "Items per row",
"itemsPerRowDescription": "Number of columns per row and device type.",
"orientationLabel": "Orientation",
"orientationVertical": "Vertical",
"orientationHorizontal": "Horizontal",
"buttonLoadMoreLabel": "Show more label",
"toggleEditorRepetitionsLabel": "Temporarily disable repetitions",
"propertySelectorMissingArrays": "No multiple valued fields found to repeat with."
"recordSelectorElement": {
"emptyAdhocState": "No records matching '{query}' found.",
"emptyState": "No records found."
"recordSelectorElementForm": {
"selectRecordsFrom": "Select records from",
"noDataSourceMessage": "Choose a data source with multiple rows to list all results.",
"optionNameSuffix": "Option name suffix",
"optionNameSuffixPlaceholder": "Enter a suffix...",
"optionNameSuffixHelper": "This suffix is appended to each option name when you open the dropdown and helps to distinguish them.",
"itemsPerPage": "Items per page",
"itemsPerPagePlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"multipleLabel": "Allow multiple values",
"record": "Record {id}"
"currentRecordDataProviderType": {
"index": "Index",
"firstPartName": "Data source: {name}",
"schemaProperty": "{prefixName}: {schemaProperty}"
"workflowActionTypes": {
"notificationLabel": "Show Notification",
"openPageLabel": "Open Page",
"createRowLabel": "Create Row",
"updateRowLabel": "Update Row",
"deleteRowLabel": "Delete Row",
"logoutLabel": "Logout",
"refreshDataSourceLabel": "Refresh data source"
"notificationWorkflowActionForm": {
"titleLabel": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "Enter text...",
"descriptionLabel": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter text..."
"event": {
"addAction": "add action"
"collectionFieldType": {
"boolean": "Boolean",
"button": "Button",
"text": "Text",
"link": "Link",
"tags": "Tags",
"image": "Image"
"textFieldForm": {
"fieldValueLabel": "Value",
"fieldValuePlaceholder": "Enter value..."
"linkFieldForm": {
"fieldValueLabel": "Url",
"fieldValuePlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"fieldLinkNameLabel": "Link text",
"fieldLinkNamePlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"buttonColor": "Button color"
"tagsFieldForm": {
"fieldValuesLabel": "Values",
"fieldValuesPlaceholder": "Enter values...",
"fieldColorsLabel": "Colors",
"fieldColorsPlaceholder": "Enter colors..."
"linkField": {
"details": "Details"
"imageFieldForm": {
"fieldSrcLabel": "Image source",
"fieldSrcPlaceholder": "Enter value",
"fieldAltLabel": "Alt text",
"fieldAltPlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"fieldAltHelp": "Is used by screen readers and displayed if the image can't load"
"createUserSourceForm": {
"userSourceType": "Type",
"userSourceIntegration": "Integration",
"userSourceName": "Name"
"updateUserSourceForm": {
"nameFieldLabel": "Name",
"nameFieldPlaceholder": "Enter a name...",
"authTitle": "Authentication",
"integrationFieldLabel": "Integration",
"addProvider": "Add provider"
"builderLoginPageForm": {
"pageDropdownLabel": "Login Page",
"pageDropdownPlaceholder": "Select a page",
"pageDropdownDescription": "Select the Login Page that non-logged in users should be redirected to when they attempt to access a restricted page."
"formContainerElement": {
"submitDeactivatedText": "Complete all required fields to submit",
"defaultSubmitButtonLabel": "Submit"
"formContainerElementForm": {
"submitButtonLabel": "Submit button",
"submitButtonPlaceholder": "Enter value...",
"buttonColor": "Button color",
"resetToInitialValuesTitle": "Reset to default values after submission",
"resetToInitialValuesDescription": "If checked, the form's default values will be used to reset the form after successful submission. If unchecked, the user's values will remain."
"choiceOptionSelector": {
"label": "Options",
"value": "Option values",
"valuePlaceholder": "Enter value",
"name": "Option names",
"namePlaceholder": "Enter name",
"addOption": "add option",
"addOptionDescription": "Click 'add option' to add options to your dropdown",
"optionType": "Options type",
"manual": "Manual",
"dataSource": "Data source",
"formulas": "Formulas"
"dispatchWorkflowActionError": {
"defaultTitle": "Event error",
"defaultMessage": "An error occurred triggering this event.",
"formDataInvalidTitle": "Invalid form",
"formDataInvalidMessage": "One or more fields contain invalid values."
"dispatchDataSourceError": {
"defaultTitle": "Data loading error",
"defaultMessage": "An error occurred while loading data for the page."
"localBaserowServiceForm": {
"integrationDropdownLabel": "Integration",
"rowIdLabel": "Row ID",
"rowIdPlaceholder": "Select a row ID"
"upsertRowWorkflowActionForm": {
"fieldMappingPlaceholder": "Choose a field value",
"noTableSelectedMessage": "Choose a table to begin configuring your fields."
"fieldMappingContext": {
"enableField": "Enable field",
"disableField": "Disable field"
"checkboxElementForm": {
"labelTitle": "Option name",
"valueTitle": "Default value",
"requiredTitle": "Required"
"choiceElement": {
"addOptions": "Add options to begin using this element..."
"userSourceUsersContext": {
"searchPlaceholder": "Search user",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"unnamed": "Unnamed",
"noEmail": "No email"
"userSelector": {
"viewAs": "View as: {user}",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"member": "{prefix} member"
"visibilityForm": {
"allVisitors": "All visitors",
"loggedInVisitors": "Logged-in visitors",
"notLoggedInVisitors": "Logged-out visitors",
"warningTitle": "We're constantly enhancing the security",
"warningMessage": "At the moment the visibility is only applied in the UI, the underlying data is still accessible from the API. Please check the <a href='https://baserow.io/user-docs/application-builder-element-visibility#note-accessing-hidden-data-via-api' target='_blank'>documentation</a> for more information on data security.",
"excludedRolesLabel": "all roles except",
"switchAllowLabel": "Allow",
"switchDisallowLabel": "Disallow",
"rolesSelectAll": "Select all",
"rolesDeselectAll": "Deselect all",
"rolesSelectHint": "Select one or more roles",
"roleTypesHint": "Select a Role Type",
"roleTypeAllowAllRoles": "All roles",
"roleTypeAllowAllRolesExcept": "Disallow roles...",
"roleTypeDisallowAllRolesExcept": "Allow roles...",
"rolesAllMembersOf": "All members of {name}",
"noRole": "No role",
"errorFetchingRolesTitle": "Could not fetch User Roles",
"errorFetchingRolesMessage": "There was a problem while fetching User Roles."
"userDataProviderType": {
"isAuthenticated": "Is authenticated",
"id": "Id",
"email": "Email",
"username": "Username",
"role": "Role"
"buttonField": {
"noLabel": "Unnamed..."
"buttonFieldForm": {
"infoMessage": "To configure actions for this button, open the \"Events\" tab of the current element.",
"labelPlaceholder": "Enter a label..."
"resetButton": {
"reset": "Reset to default theme value"
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"fill": "Fill",
"tile": "Tile",
"fit": "Fit"
"customStyle": {
"themeOverrides": "Theme overrides",
"configureThemeOverrides": "Configure theme overrides for this element"
"serviceSchemaPropertySelector": {
"label": "Property",
"noProperties": "No properties available"
"dataSourceDropdown": {
"label": "Data source",
"noDataSources": "No data sources available",
"noSharedDataSources": "No shared data sources available",
"shared": "shared",
"pageOnly": "this page"
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"pagePosition": "Position",
"behaviour": "Behaviour",
"display": "Display",
"selectAll": "Select all",
"deselectAll": "Deselect all"
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"all": "On all pages",
"only": "Only on selected pages",
"except": "Exclude selected pages"