mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 12:13:23 +00:00
575 lines
35 KiB
575 lines
35 KiB
"common": {
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no",
"wrong": "Something went wrong",
"none": "None",
"free": "Free",
"comingSoon": "Coming soon...",
"billable": "Billable",
"all": "All",
"beta": "Beta",
"summarize": "Summarize",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"or": "or",
"and": "and"
"action": {
"close": "Close",
"upload": "Upload",
"back": "Back",
"backToLogin": "Back to login",
"backToHome": "Back to home",
"signUp": "Sign up",
"getStarted": "Get started",
"signIn": "Sign in",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"createNew": "Add new",
"create": "Create",
"edit": "Edit",
"change": "Change",
"delete": "Delete",
"rename": "Rename",
"remove": "Remove",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"add": "Add",
"makeChoice": "Make a choice",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"set": "Set",
"retry": "Retry",
"search": "Search",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"activate": "Activate",
"deactivate": "Deactivate",
"download": "Download",
"copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"reset": "Reset"
"adminType": {
"settings": "Settings",
"health": "Health"
"applicationType": {
"database": "Database",
"databases": "Databases",
"databaseDefaultName": "Untitled Database",
"databaseDesc": "Create an organized collection of structured data.",
"builder": "Application",
"builders": "Applications",
"builderDefaultName": "Untitled Application",
"builderDesc": "Easily build websites, web apps and portals without code.",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"dashboards": "Dashboards",
"dashboardDefaultName": "Untitled Dashboard",
"dashboardDesc": "Visualize your data and metrics with charts, tables or graphs.",
"cantSelectTableTitle": "Couldn't select the database.",
"cantSelectTableDescription": "The database couldn't be selected because it doesn't have any tables. Use the sidebar to create one.",
"cantSelectPageTitle": "Couldn't select the application.",
"cantSelectPageDescription": "The application builder couldn't be selected because it doesn't have any pages. Use the sidebar to create one."
"settingType": {
"account": "Account",
"password": "Password",
"emailNotifications": "Email notifications",
"tokens": "Database tokens",
"deleteAccount": "Delete account"
"userFileUploadType": {
"file": "my device",
"url": "a URL"
"field": {
"emailAddress": "E-mail address"
"error": {
"invalidEmail": "Please enter a valid e-mail address.",
"invalidNumber": "The field must be a number.",
"notMatchingPassword": "This field must match your password field.",
"minLength": "A minimum of {min} characters is required here.",
"maxLength": "A maximum of {max} characters is allowed here.",
"minMaxLength": "A minimum of {min} and a maximum of {max} characters is allowed here.",
"invalidCharacters": "This field contains invalid characters.",
"requiredField": "This field is required.",
"integerField": "The field must be an integer.",
"decimalField": "The field must be a decimal.",
"minValueField": "The field must be greater than or equal to {min}.",
"maxValueField": "The field must be less than or equal to {max}.",
"minMaxValueField": "The field value must be between {min} and {max}.",
"invalidURL": "Please enter a valid URL.",
"email": "The field must be an email.",
"alreadyInUse": "This field name is already in use."
"permission": {
"admin": "Admin",
"adminDescription": "Can fully configure and edit workspaces and applications.",
"member": "Member",
"memberDescription": "Can fully configure and edit applications."
"fieldType": {
"singleLineText": "Single line text",
"longText": "Long text",
"linkToTable": "Link to table",
"number": "Number",
"rating": "Rating",
"boolean": "Boolean",
"date": "Date",
"lastModified": "Last modified",
"lastModifiedBy": "Last modified by",
"createdOn": "Created on",
"createdBy": "Created by",
"duration": "Duration",
"url": "URL",
"email": "Email",
"file": "File",
"singleSelect": "Single select",
"multipleSelect": "Multiple select",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number",
"formula": "Formula",
"count": "Count",
"rollup": "Rollup",
"lookup": "Lookup",
"multipleCollaborators": "Collaborators",
"defaultFormViewComponent": "Default",
"linkRowSingle": "Single",
"linkRowMultiple": "Multiple",
"uuid": "UUID",
"multipleSelectDropdown": "Dropdown",
"multipleSelectCheckboxes": "Checkboxes",
"singleSelectDropdown": "Dropdown",
"singleSelectRadios": "Radios",
"autonumber": "Autonumber",
"password": "Password",
"ai": "AI prompt"
"fieldErrors": {
"invalidNumber": "Invalid number",
"maxDigits": "Max {max} digits allowed.",
"invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
"max254Chars": "Max 254 chars",
"invalidEmail": "Invalid email",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid Phone Number",
"invalidDuration": "Invalid format ({durationFormat}).",
"overflowDuration": "Value is out of bounds.",
"maxChars": "Max {max} chars.",
"minChars": "Min {min} chars."
"fieldDocs": {
"readOnly": "This is a read only field.",
"text": "Accepts single line text.",
"longText": "Accepts multi line text. If the rich text formatting is enabled, you can use markdown to format the text.",
"linkRow": "Accepts an array containing the identifiers or main field text values of the related rows from table id {table}. All identifiers must be provided every time the relations are updated. If an empty array is provided all relations will be deleted. In case of a text value instead of an identifier, a row with the matching value for its main field will be searched. If more than one match is found, the first one in the order of the table is selected. You can send a string with names separated by comma in which case the string is converted into an array of row names. You can also send only an ID of a row alone.",
"number": "Accepts a number.",
"numberPositive": "Accepts a positive number.",
"decimal": "Accepts a decimal with {places} decimal places after the dot.",
"decimalPositive": "Accepts a positive decimal with {places} decimal places after the dot.",
"rating": "Accepts a number.",
"boolean": "Accepts a boolean.",
"date": "Accepts a date time in ISO format.",
"dateTime": "Accepts a date in ISO format.",
"dateResponse": "The response will be a datetime in ISO format.",
"dateTimeResponse": "The response will be a date in ISO format.",
"lastModifiedReadOnly": "The last modified field is a read only field.",
"lastModifiedBy": "The last modified by field is a read only field.",
"createdOnReadOnly": "The created on field is a read only field.",
"createdBy": "The created by field is a read only field showing the user that created the row.",
"duration": "Accepts a time-based duration as a string in the format {format} or as a number representing the total number of seconds.",
"url": "Accepts a string that must be a URL.",
"email": "Accepts a string that must be an email address.",
"file": "Accepts an array of objects containing at least the name of the user file. Alternatively, you can provide a comma-separated list of file names or an array of file names. You can use the \"File uploads\" endpoints to upload the file. The response of those calls can be provided directly as object here. The endpoints can be found in the left sidebar.",
"singleSelect": "Accepts an integer or a text value representing the chosen select option id or option value. A null value means none is selected. In case of a text value, the first matching option is selected.",
"multipleSelect": "Accepts an array of mixed integers or text values each representing the chosen select option id or value. In case of a text value, the first matching option is selected. You can send a string with names separated by comma as value in which case the string is converted into an array of option names.",
"phoneNumber": "Accepts a phone number which has a maximum length of 100 characters consisting solely of digits, spaces and the following characters: Nx,._+*()#=;/- .",
"formula": "A read-only field defined by a formula written in the Baserow formula language.",
"count": "A read-only field connected to a link to table field which returns the number of relations.",
"rollup": "A read-only field connected to a link to table field which returns rolls up the values from the chosen lookup field in the linked table.",
"lookup": "A read-only field connected to a link to table field which returns an array of values and row ids from the chosen lookup field in the linked table.",
"multipleCollaborators": "Accepts an array of objects where each object contains a user's id.",
"uuid": "A read-only unique and persistent uuid.",
"autonumber": "A read-only field that automatically increments a number for each new row.",
"password": "A write-only field that holds a hashed password. The value will be `null` if not set, or `true` if it has been set. It accepts a string to set it."
"viewFilter": {
"hasEmptyValue": "has empty value",
"hasNotEmptyValue": "doesn't have empty value",
"hasValueEqual": "has value equal",
"hasNotValueEqual": "doesn't have value equal",
"hasValueContains": "has value contains",
"hasNotValueContains": "doesn't have value contains",
"hasValueContainsWord": "has value contains word",
"hasNotValueContainsWord": "doesn't have value contains word",
"hasValueLengthIsLowerThan": "has value length is lower than",
"hasAnySelectOptionEqual": "has any select option equal",
"hasNoneSelectOptionEqual": "doesn't have select option equal",
"contains": "contains",
"containsNot": "doesn't contain",
"containsWord": "contains word",
"doesntContainWord": "doesn't contain word",
"filenameContains": "filename contains",
"has": "has",
"hasNot": "doesn't have",
"higherThan": "higher than",
"higherThanOrEqual": "higher than or equal",
"is": "is",
"isNot": "is not",
"isEmpty": "is empty",
"isNotEmpty": "is not empty",
"isDate": "is date",
"isDayOfMonth": "day of month is",
"isBeforeDate": "is before date",
"isBeforeOrEqualDate": "is before or same date",
"isAfterDate": "is after date",
"isAfterOrEqualDate": "is after or same date",
"isAfterDaysAgo": "is after days ago",
"isNotDate": "is not date",
"isToday": "is today",
"beforeToday": "is before today",
"afterToday": "is after today",
"isDaysAgo": "is days ago",
"isMonthsAgo": "is months ago",
"isYearsAgo": "is years ago",
"inThisWeek": "in this week",
"inThisMonth": "in this month",
"inThisYear": "in this year",
"isWithinDays": "is within days",
"isWithinWeeks": "is within weeks",
"isWithinMonths": "is within months",
"lowerThan": "lower than",
"lowerThanOrEqual": "lower than or equal",
"isEvenAndWhole": "is even and whole",
"lengthIsLowerThan": "length is lower than",
"hasFileType": "has file type",
"filesLowerThan": "files lower than",
"isAnyOf": "is any of",
"isNoneOf": "is none of",
"today": "today",
"yesterday": "yesterday",
"tomorrow": "tomorrow",
"thisWeek": "this week",
"oneWeekAgo": "one week ago",
"nextWeek": "next week",
"thisMonth": "this month",
"oneMonthAgo": "one month ago",
"nextMonth": "next month",
"thisYear": "this year",
"oneYearAgo": "one year ago",
"nextYear": "next year",
"nrDaysAgo": "days ago",
"nrWeeksAgo": "weeks ago",
"nrMonthsAgo": "months ago",
"nrYearsAgo": "years ago",
"nrDaysFromNow": "days from now",
"nrWeeksFromNow": "weeks from now",
"nrMonthsFromNow": "months from now",
"nrYearsFromNow": "years from now",
"exactDate": "exact date",
"isBefore": "is before",
"isAfter": "is after",
"isOnOrBefore": "is on or before",
"isOnOrAfter": "is on or after",
"isWithin": "is within"
"viewType": {
"grid": "Grid",
"gallery": "Gallery",
"form": "Form",
"sharing": {
"linkName": "view",
"formLinkName": "form"
"trashType": {
"workspace": "workspace",
"application": "application",
"table": "table",
"field": "field",
"row": "row",
"rows": "rows",
"view": "view"
"webhook": {
"request": "Request",
"response": "Response",
"successfullyUpdated": "Webhook successfully updated.",
"form": {
"invalidURLTitle": "Invalid URL.",
"invalidURLDescription": "The webhook URL is invalid, inaccessible or prohibited."
"status": {
"noStatus": "NO STATUS",
"statusOK": "OK",
"statusNotOK": "NOT OK"
"eventType": {
"rowCreated": "When a row is created",
"rowsCreated": "Rows are created",
"rowUpdated": "When a row is updated",
"rowsUpdated": "Rows are updated",
"rowDeleted": "When a row is deleted",
"rowsDeleted": "Rows are deleted",
"fieldCreated": "Field is created",
"fieldUpdated": "Field is updated",
"fieldDeleted": "Field is deleted",
"viewCreated": "View is created",
"viewUpdated": "View is updated",
"viewDeleted": "View is deleted"
"clientHandler": {
"notFoundTitle": "{name} not found.",
"notFoundDescription": "The selected {name} wasn't found, maybe it has already been deleted.",
"networkErrorTitle": "Network error",
"networkErrorDescription": "Could not connect to the API server.",
"tooManyRequestsTitle": "Too many requests",
"tooManyRequestsDescription": "You are sending too many requests to the server. Please wait a moment.",
"notCompletedTitle": "Action not completed.",
"notCompletedDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because an unknown error has occurred.",
"userNotInWorkspaceTitle": "Action not allowed.",
"userNotInWorkspaceDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because you aren't a member of the related workspace.",
"invalidWorkspacePermissionsTitle": "Action not allowed.",
"invalidWorkspacePermissionsDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because you don't have the right permissions to the related workspace.",
"tableDoesNotExistTitle": "Table doesn't exist.",
"tableDoesNotExistDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because the related table doesn't exist anymore.",
"rowDoesNotExistTitle": "Row doesn't exist.",
"rowDoesNotExistDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because the related row doesn't exist anymore.",
"notificationDoesNotExistTitle": "Notification doesn't exist.",
"notificationDoesNotExistDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because the related doesn't exist anymore.",
"fileSizeTooLargeTitle": "File too large",
"fileSizeTooLargeDescription": "The provided file is too large.",
"invalidFileTitle": "Invalid file",
"invalidFileDescription": "The provided file is not a valid file.",
"fileUrlCouldNotBeReachedTitle": "Invalid URL",
"fileUrlCouldNotBeReachedDescription": "The provided file URL could not be reached.",
"invalidFileUrlTitle": "Invalid URL",
"invalidFileUrlDescription": "The provided file URL is invalid or not allowed.",
"adminCannotDeactivateSelfTitle": "Action not allowed.",
"adminCannotDeactivateSelfDescription": "You cannot de-activate or un-staff yourself.",
"adminCannotDeleteSelfTitle": "Action not allowed.",
"adminCannotDeleteSelfDescription": "You cannot delete yourself.",
"maxFieldCountExceededTitle": "Couldn't create field.",
"maxFieldCountExceededDescription": "The action couldn't be completed because the field count exceeds the limit",
"cannotRestoreParentBeforeChildTitle": "Please restore the parent first.",
"cannotRestoreParentBeforeChildDescription": "You cannot restore this item because it depends on a deleted item. Please restore the parent item first.",
"cannotRestoreAsRelatedTableTrashedTitle": "Please restore the related tables first.",
"cannotRestoreAsRelatedTableTrashedDescription": "You cannot restore this field because it depends on other tables which are still trashed. Please restore the other related tables first.",
"workspaceUserIsLastAdminTitle": "Can't leave the workspace",
"workspaceUserIsLastAdminDescription": "It's not possible to leave the workspace because you're the last admin or because other admin's accounts are pending deletion. Please delete the workspace or give another user admin permissions.",
"errorMaxJobCountExceededTitle": "Couldn't start action.",
"errorMaxJobCountExceededDescription": "You cannot start any more of these actions as you have others still running in the background. Please try again once the previous actions complete.",
"failedToLockFieldDueToConflictTitle": "Can't change field",
"failedToLockFieldDueToConflictDescription": "Another operation is currently updating or using this field, please wait until it finishes before trying again.",
"failedToLockTableDueToConflictTitle": "Can't create field",
"failedToLockTableDueToConflictDescription": "Another operation is currently updating or using this table, please wait until it finishes before trying again.",
"failedToUndoRedoDueToConflictTitle": "Can't undo/redo",
"failedToUndoRedoDueToConflictDescription": "Another operation is currently running blocking your undo or redo, please wait until it finishes before trying again.",
"maximumSnapshotsReachedTitle": "Snapshots limit reached",
"maximumSnapshotsReachedDescription": "The maximum number of snapshots in a workspace has been reached.",
"snapshotBeingCreatedTitle": "A snapshot is already being created",
"snapshotBeingCreatedDescription": "It is not possible to create multiple snapshots at the same time.",
"snapshotBeingRestoredTitle": "The snapshot is being restored",
"snapshotBeingRestoredDescription": "It is not possible to use snapshots that are currently being restored.",
"snapshotBeingDeletedTitle": "The snapshot is being deleted",
"snapshotBeingDeletedDescription": "It is not possible to use snapshots that are currently being deleted.",
"snapshotNameNotUniqueTitle": "The snapshot name has to be unique.",
"snapshotNameNotUniqueDescription": "All snapshot names have to be unique per application.",
"snapshotOperationLimitExceededTitle": "Limit reached",
"snapshotOperationLimitExceededDescription": "You have reached a limit on the number of running snapshot operations. Please wait until previous operation finishes.",
"disabledPasswordProviderTitle": "Password authentication is disabled.",
"disabledPasswordProviderMessage": "Please use another authentication provider.",
"maxLocksPerTransactionExceededTitle": "PostgreSQL issue detected",
"maxLocksPerTransactionExceededDescription": "Baserow attempted to permanently delete the trashed items, but exceeded the available locks specified in `max_locks_per_transaction`.",
"lastAdminTitle": "Can't remove last workspace admin",
"lastAdminMessage": "A workspace has to have at least one admin.",
"adminAlreadyExistsTitle": "Can't use that username",
"adminAlreadyExistsDescription": "That username can't be used because it already exists.",
"cannotCreateFieldTypeTitle": "Can't create field",
"cannotCreateFieldTypeDescription": "The requested field type cannot be created at the moment. It might be just a temporary problem with older tables. Please try again later.",
"generativeAIDoesNotExistTitle": "Generative AI does not exist",
"generativeAIDoesNotExistDescription": "The generative AI model does not exist.",
"modelDoesNotBelongToTypeTitle": "The selected model does not belong to the AI Type",
"modelDoesNotBelongToTypeDescription": "The selected model does not belong to the selected AI type.",
"outputParserTitle": "Wrong output",
"outputParserDescription": "The model responded with an incorrect output. Please try again.",
"generateAIPromptTitle": "Prompt error",
"generateAIPromptDescription": "Something was wrong with the constructed prompt.",
"maxNumberOfPendingWorkspaceInvitesReachedTitle": "Max pending invites reached",
"maxNumberOfPendingWorkspaceInvitesReachedDescription": "You've reached the maximum number of pending invites for this workspace. Please let invitees accept the invite or cancel existing ones to continue.",
"fieldIsAlreadyPrimaryTitle": "Field is already primary",
"fieldIsAlreadyPrimaryDescription": "The chose new primary field is already the primary field.",
"incompatiblePrimaryFieldTypeTitle": "Field is not compatible",
"incompatiblePrimaryFieldTypeDescription": "The chosen field can't be the primary field because it's incompatible.",
"cannotCreateRowsInTableTitle": "Can't create rows",
"cannotCreateRowsInTableDescription": "It's not possible to create rows in this table."
"importerType": {
"csv": "Import a CSV file",
"paste": "Paste table data",
"xml": "Import an XML file",
"json": "Import a JSON file"
"apiDocs": {
"intro": "Introduction",
"authent": "Authentication",
"table": "{name} table",
"filters": "Filters",
"errors": "HTTP Errors",
"fields": "Fields",
"listFields": "List fields",
"listRows": "List rows",
"getRow": "Get row",
"createRow": "Create row",
"createRows": "Create rows",
"updateRow": "Update row",
"updateRows": "Update rows",
"moveRow": "Move row",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteRows": "Delete rows",
"uploadFile": "Upload file",
"uploadFileDescription": "The `file` multipart containing the file contents.",
"uploadFileViaUrl": "Upload file via URL",
"uploadFileViaUrlDescription": "Uploads a file to Baserow by downloading it from the provided URL.",
"queryParameters": "Query parameters",
"pathParameters": "Path parameters",
"requestBodySchema": "Request body schema",
"userFieldNamesDescription": "When the `user_field_names` GET parameter is provided and its value is one of the following: `y`, `yes`, `true`, `t`, `on`, `1`, or empty string, the field names returned by this endpoint will be the actual names of the fields.\n\nIf the `user_field_names` GET parameter is not provided, or if it does not match any of the above values, then all returned field names will be `field_` followed by the id of the field. For example `field_1` refers to the field with an id of `1`.",
"sendWebhookEventsDescription": "A flag query parameter that triggers webhooks after the operation, if set to `y`, `yes`, `true`, `t`, `on`, `1`, `or` left empty. Defaults to `true`",
"singleRow": "Single",
"batchRows": "Batch",
"fileUploads": "File uploads"
"exporterType": {
"csv": "Export to CSV"
"previewType": {
"imageBrowser": "Open in browser",
"videoBrowser": "Open in browser",
"AudioBrowser": "Open in browser",
"pdfBrowser": "Open in browser",
"googleDocs": "Open with Google Docs"
"humanDateFormat": {
"dd/mm/yyyy": "dd/mm/yyyy",
"mm/dd/yyyy": "mm/dd/yyyy",
"yyyy-mm-dd": "yyyy-mm-dd"
"formulaFunctions": {
"upperDescription": "Returns its argument in upper case.",
"lowerDescription": "Returns its argument in lower case.",
"splitPartDescription": "Extracts a segment from a delimited string based on a delimiter and index (numeric indicator indicating which element from string should be returned)",
"concatDescription": "Returns its arguments joined together as a single piece of text.",
"addDescription": "Returns its two arguments added together.",
"minusDescription": "Returns its two arguments subtracted.",
"multiplyDescription": "Returns its two arguments multiplied together.",
"divideDescription": "Returns its two arguments divided, the first divided by the second.",
"equalDescription": "Returns if its two arguments have the same value.",
"ifDescription": "If the first argument is true then returns the second argument, otherwise returns the third.",
"toTextDescription": "Converts the input to text.",
"datetimeFormatDescription": "Converts the date to text given a way of formatting the date. It's always in UTC. Use `datetime_format_tz` to specify a timezone.",
"datetimeFormatTzDescription": "Converts the date to text given a way of formatting the date in the specified timezone.",
"toNumberDescription": "Converts the input to a number if possible.",
"fieldDescription": "Returns the field named by the single text argument.",
"lookupDescription": "Looks up the values from a field in another table for rows in a link to table field. The first argument should be the name of a link to table field in the current table and the second should be the name of a field in the linked table.",
"isBlankDescription": "Returns true if the argument is null, empty or blank, false otherwise.",
"isNullDescription": "Returns true if the argument is null, false otherwise.",
"tDescription": "Returns the arguments value if it is text, but otherwise ''.",
"notDescription": "Returns false if the argument is true and true if the argument is false.",
"greaterThanDescription": "Returns true if the first argument greater than the second, otherwise false.",
"greaterThanOrEqualDescription": "Returns true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, otherwise false.",
"lessThanDescription": "Returns true if the first argument less than the second, otherwise false.",
"lessThanOrEqualDescription": "Returns true if the first argument less than or equal to the second, otherwise false.",
"nowDescription": "Returns the current date and time in utc.",
"todayDescription": "Returns the current date in utc.",
"toDateDescription": "Returns the first argument converted into a date given a date format string as the second argument. It's always in UTC. Use `to_date_tz` to specify a timezone.",
"toDateTzDescription": "Returns the first argument converted into a date given a date format string as the second argument and the timezone provided as third argument.",
"dayDescription": "Returns the day of the month as a number between 1 to 31 from the argument.",
"dateDiffDescription": "Given a date unit to measure in as the first argument ('year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'seconds') calculates and returns the number of units from the second argument to the third.",
"andDescription": "Returns the logical and of the first and second argument, so if they are both true then the result is true, otherwise it is false.",
"orDescription": "Returns the logical or of the first and second argument, so if either are true then the result is true, otherwise it is false.",
"dateIntervalDescription": "Returns the date interval corresponding to the provided argument.",
"replaceDescription": "Replaces all instances of the second argument in the first argument with the third argument.",
"searchDescription": "Returns a positive integer starting from 1 for the first occurrence of the second argument inside the first, or 0 if no occurrence is found.",
"rowIdDescription": "Returns the rows unique identifying number.",
"lengthDescription": "Returns the number of characters in the first argument provided.",
"reverseDescription": "Returns the reversed text of the provided first argument.",
"notEqualDescription": "Returns if its two arguments have different values.",
"countDescription": "Returns the number of items in its first argument.",
"containsDescription": "Returns true if the first piece of text contains at least once the second.",
"leftDescription": "Extracts the left most characters from the first input, stops when it has extracted the number of characters specified by the second input.",
"rightDescription": "Extracts the right most characters from the first input, stops when it has extracted the number of characters specified by the second input.",
"trimDescription": "Removes all whitespace from the left and right sides of the input.",
"regexReplaceDescription": "Replaces any text in the first input which matches the regex specified by the second input with the text in the third input.",
"greatestDescription": "Returns the greatest value of the two inputs.",
"leastDescription": "Returns the smallest of the two inputs.",
"monthDescription": "Returns the number of months in the provided date.",
"yearDescription": "Returns the number of years in the provided date.",
"secondDescription": "Returns the number of seconds in the provided date.",
"whenEmptyDescription": "If the first input is calculated to be empty the second input will be returned instead, otherwise if the first input is not empty the first will be returned.",
"anyDescription": "Returns true if any one of the provided looked up values is true, false if they are all false.",
"everyDescription": "Returns true if every one of the provided looked up values is true, false otherwise.",
"maxDescription": "Returns the largest number from all the looked up values provided.",
"minDescription": "Returns the smallest number from all the looked up values provided.",
"joinDescription": "Concats all of the values from the first input together using the values from the second input.",
"stddevPopDescription": "Calculates the population standard deviation of the values and returns the result. The population standard deviation should be used when the provided values contain a value for every single piece of data in the population.",
"stddevSampleDescription": "Calculates the sample standard deviation of the values and returns the result. The sample deviation should be used when the provided values are only for a sample or subset of values for an underlying population.",
"varianceSampleDescription": "Calculates the sample variance of the values and returns the result. The sample variance should be used when the provided values are only for a sample or subset of values for an underlying population.",
"variancePopDescription": "Calculates the population variance of the values and returns the result. The population variance should be used when the provided values contain a value for every single piece of data in the population.",
"avgDescription": "Averages all of the values and returns the result.",
"sumDescription": "Sums all of the values and returns the result.",
"filterDescription": "Filters down an expression involving a lookup/link field reference or a lookup function call.",
"linkDescription": "Creates a hyperlink using the URI provided in the first argument.",
"buttonDescription": "Creates a button using the URI (first argument) and label (second argument).",
"getLinkLabelDescription": "Gets the label from a formula using the link or button functions.",
"getLinkUrlDescription": "Gets the url from a formula using the link or button functions.",
"evenDescription": "Returns true if the argument provided is an even number, false otherwise.",
"oddDescription": "Returns true if the argument provided is an odd number, false otherwise.",
"modDescription": "Returns the remainder of the division between the first argument and the second argument.",
"powerDescription": "Returns the result of the first argument raised to the second argument exponent.",
"logDescription": "Logarithm function: returns the exponent to which the first argument must be raised to produce the second argument.",
"expDescription": "Returns the result of the constant e ≈ 2.718 raised to the argument number provided.",
"lnDescription": "Natural logarithm function: returns the exponent to which the constant e ≈ 2.718 must be raised to produce the argument.",
"signDescription": "Returns 1 if the argument is a positive number, -1 if the argument is a negative one, 0 otherwise.",
"sqrtDescription": "Returns the square root of the argument provided.",
"roundDescription": "Returns first argument rounded to the number of digits specified by the second argument.",
"truncDescription": "Returns only the first argument converted into an integer by truncating any decimal places.",
"isNanDescription": "Returns true if the argument is 'NaN', returns false otherwise.",
"whenNanDescription": "Returns the first argument if it's not 'NaN'. Returns the second argument if the first argument is 'NaN'",
"absDescription": "Returns the absolute value for the argument number provided.",
"ceilDescription": "Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal the argument number provided.",
"floorDescription": "Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal the argument number provided.",
"encodeUriDescription": "Returns a encoded URI string from the argument provided.",
"encodeUriComponentDescription": "Returns a encoded URI string component from the argument provided.",
"getFileVisibleNameDescription": "Returns the visible file name from a single file returned from the index function.",
"getFileMimeTypeDescription": "Returns the file mime type from a single file returned from the index function.",
"getFileCountDescription": "Returns the number of files in the referenced file field",
"getFileSizeDescription": "Returns the file size from a single file returned from the index function.",
"getImageWidthDescription": "Returns the image width from a single file returned from the index function.",
"getImageHeightDescription": "Returns the image height from a single file returned from the index function.",
"getIsImageDescription": "Returns if the single file returned from the index function is an image or not.",
"indexDescription": "Returns the file from a file field at the position provided by the second argument.",
"secondsToDurationDescription": "Converts the number of seconds provided into a duration.",
"durationToSecondsDescription": "Converts the duration provided into the corresponding number of seconds.",
"hasOptionDescription": "Returns true if the first argument is a multiple select field or a lookup to a single select field and the second argument is one of the options."
"functionnalGridViewFieldLinkRow": {
"unnamed": "unnamed row {value}"
"urlCheck": {
"invalidUrlEnvVarTitle": "Invalid {name}",
"invalidUrlEnvVarDescription": "The {name} environment variable has been set to an invalid value. Your site admin must change {name} to a valid URL starting with http:// or https:// and then restart Baserow to fix this error."
"health": {
"title": "Baserow health checks",
"description": "These checks show the current status of your Baserow installation."
"emailTester": {
"title": "Email tester",
"targetEmailLabel": "Target Email",
"invalidTargetEmail": "Invalid email address",
"submit": "Send test email",
"success": "Successfully sent test email",
"configLink": "Email Configuration Help"