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(row, activeSearchTerm) => setAdjacentRow(true, row, activeSearchTerm)
(row, activeSearchTerm) => setAdjacentRow(false, row, activeSearchTerm)
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import Table from '@baserow/modules/database/components/table/Table'
import { StoreItemLookupError } from '@baserow/modules/core/errors'
import { getDefaultView } from '@baserow/modules/database/utils/view'
* This page component is the skeleton for a table. Depending on the selected view it
* will load the correct components into the header and body.
export default {
components: { Table },
* When the user leaves to another page we want to unselect the selected table. This
* way it will not be highlighted the left sidebar.
beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
* If a `rowId` is provided in the route params, we want to immediately open
* the row modal in the table page and show the `database-table-row` URL in
* the browser. This function parses the params and fetches the data needed to
* render the page correctly, redirecting to the table page if the row is not
* found. If the row is found in the store or in the backend, calling `next()`
* will open the row modal and will update the URL in the browser correctly.
async beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) {
function parseIntOrNull(x) {
return x != null ? parseInt(x) : null
const currentRowId = parseIntOrNull(to.params?.rowId)
const currentTableId = parseIntOrNull(to.params.tableId)
const storeRow = this.$store.getters['rowModalNavigation/getRow']
const prevTableId = parseIntOrNull(from.params.tableId)
const failedToFetchTableRowId =
if (currentRowId == null) {
// If the rowId is null, we want to close the row modal and show the table
// page, so clear the store accordingly.
await this.$store.dispatch('rowModalNavigation/clearRow')
} else if (
failedToFetchTableRowId &&
parseIntOrNull(failedToFetchTableRowId?.rowId) === currentRowId &&
parseIntOrNull(failedToFetchTableRowId?.tableId) === currentTableId
) {
// Show the table page if the row failed to fetch.
return next({
name: 'database-table',
params: {
rowId: null,
} else if (
storeRow?.id !== currentRowId ||
prevTableId !== currentTableId
) {
// Fetch the row if it's not already in the store. If the row is not found,
// the store will be updated with the failedToFetchTableRowId and the table
// page will be shown.
const row = await this.$store.dispatch('rowModalNavigation/fetchRow', {
tableId: currentTableId,
rowId: currentRowId,
if (row == null) {
return next({
name: 'database-table',
params: {
rowId: null,
layout: 'app',
* Because there is no hook that is called before the route changes, we need the
* tableLoading middleware to change the table loading state. This change will get
* rendered right away. This allows us to have a custom loading animation when
* switching views.
middleware: ['tableLoading'],
* Prepares all the table, field and view data for the provided database, table and
* view id.
async asyncData({ store, params, error, app, redirect, route }) {
// @TODO figure out why the id's aren't converted to an int in the route.
const databaseId = parseInt(params.databaseId)
const tableId = parseInt(params.tableId)
const viewId = params.viewId ? parseInt(params.viewId) : null
const data = {}
// Try to find the table in the already fetched applications by the
// workspacesAndApplications middleware and select that one. By selecting the table, the
// fields and views are also going to be fetched.
try {
const { database, table } = await store.dispatch('table/selectById', {
await store.dispatch('workspace/selectById', database.workspace.id)
data.database = database
data.table = table
} catch (e) {
// In case of a network error we want to fail hard.
if (e.response === undefined && !(e instanceof StoreItemLookupError)) {
throw e
return error({ statusCode: 404, message: 'Table not found.' })
// After selecting the table the fields become available which need to be added to
// the data.
data.fields = store.getters['field/getAll']
data.view = undefined
// Without a viewId, redirect the user to the default or the first available view.
if (viewId === null) {
const rowId = params.rowId ? parseInt(params.rowId) : null
const workspaceId = data.database.workspace.id
const viewToUse = getDefaultView(app, store, workspaceId, rowId !== null)
if (viewToUse !== undefined) {
return redirect({
name: route.name,
params: {
viewId: viewToUse.id,
rowId: params.rowId,
// If a view id is provided and the table is selected we can select the view. The
// views that belong to the table have already been fetched so we just need to
// select the correct one.
if (viewId !== null && viewId !== 0) {
try {
const { view } = await store.dispatch('view/selectById', viewId)
data.view = view
// It might be possible that the view also has some stores that need to be
// filled with initial data so we're going to call the fetch function here.
const type = app.$registry.get('view', view.type)
if (type.isDeactivated(data.database.workspace.id)) {
return error({ statusCode: 400, message: type.getDeactivatedText() })
await type.fetch(
{ store, app },
} catch (e) {
// In case of a network error we want to fail hard.
if (e.response === undefined && !(e instanceof StoreItemLookupError)) {
throw e
return error({ statusCode: 404, message: 'View not found.' })
if (params.rowId) {
await store.dispatch('rowModalNavigation/fetchRow', {
rowId: params.rowId,
return data
head() {
return {
title: (this.view ? this.view.name + ' - ' : '') + this.table.name,
computed: {
// We need the tableLoading state to show a small loading animation when
// switching between views. Because some of the data will be populated by
// the asyncData function and some by mapping the state of a store it could look
// a bit strange for the user when switching between views because not all data
// renders at the same time. That is why we show this loading animation. Store
// changes are always rendered right away.
tableLoading: (state) => state.table.loading,
views: (state) => state.view.items,
* The beforeCreate hook is called right after the asyncData finishes and when the
* page has been rendered for the first time. The perfect moment to stop the table
* loading animation.
beforeCreate() {
this.$store.dispatch('table/setLoading', false)
mounted() {
this.$realtime.subscribe('table', { table_id: this.table.id })
beforeDestroy() {
this.$realtime.unsubscribe('table', { table_id: this.table.id })
methods: {
selectedView(view) {
if (this.view && this.view.id === view.id) {
name: 'database-table',
params: {
viewId: view.id,
async setAdjacentRow(previous, row = null, activeSearchTerm = null) {
if (row) {
await this.navigateToRowModal(row)
} else {
// If the row isn't provided then the row is
// probably not visible to the user at the moment
// and needs to be fetched
await this.fetchAdjacentRow(previous, activeSearchTerm)
async navigateToRowModal(row) {
const rowId = row?.id
if (
this.$route.params.rowId !== undefined &&
this.$route.params.rowId === rowId
) {
if (row) {
// Prevent the row from being fetched again from the backend
// when the route is updated
await this.$store.dispatch('rowModalNavigation/setRow', row)
const location = {
name: rowId ? 'database-table-row' : 'database-table',
params: {
databaseId: this.database.id,
tableId: this.table.id,
viewId: this.$route.params.viewId,
async fetchAdjacentRow(previous, activeSearchTerm = null) {
const { row, status } = await this.$store.dispatch(
tableId: this.table.id,
viewId: this.view?.id,
if (status === 204 || status === 404) {
const translationPath = `table.adjacentRow.toast.notFound.${
previous ? 'previous' : 'next'
await this.$store.dispatch('toast/info', {
title: this.$t(`${translationPath}.title`),
message: this.$t(`${translationPath}.message`),
} else if (status !== 200) {
await this.$store.dispatch('toast/error', {
title: this.$t(`table.adjacentRow.toast.error.title`),
message: this.$t(`table.adjacentRow.toast.error.message`),
if (row) {
await this.navigateToRowModal(row)