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import setupCore from '@baserow/modules/core/plugin'
import Papa from 'papaparse'
import axios from 'axios'
import setupClient, {
} from '@baserow/modules/core/plugins/clientHandler'
import setupDatabasePlugin from '@baserow/modules/database/plugin'
import setupBuilderPlugin from '@baserow/modules/builder/plugin'
import setupIntegrationPlugin from '@baserow/modules/integrations/plugin'
import { bootstrapVueContext } from '@baserow/test/helpers/components'
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { MockServer } from '@baserow/test/fixtures/mockServer'
import flushPromises from 'flush-promises'
import setupHasFeaturePlugin from '@baserow/modules/core/plugins/hasFeature'
* Uses the real baserow plugins to setup a Vuex store and baserow registry
* correctly.
function _createBaserowStoreAndRegistry(app, vueContext, extraPluginSetupFunc) {
const store = new vueContext.vuex.Store({})
setupCore({ store, app }, (name, dep) => {
app[`$${name}`] = dep
setupClient({ store, app }, (key, value) => {
app[key] = value
app.$client = app.client
store.$registry = app.$registry
store.$client = app.client
store.$config = app.$config
store.app = app
app.$store = store
// Nuxt seems to allow both access patterns to get at the store?
app.store = store
const setupContext = {
setupHasFeaturePlugin(setupContext, (name, dep) => {
app[`$${name}`] = dep
if (extraPluginSetupFunc) {
return store
* An acceptance testing framework for testing Baserow components and surrounding logic
* like stores.
* TestApp sets up baserow components, registries and stores so they work out of the
* box and can be tested without having to:
* - wait 30+ seconds for a Nuxt server to startup and build
* - mock out stores, registries or carve arbitrary boundaries in
* the tests causing problems when store and component logic is tightly
* coupled.
* To use create an instance of this class in your beforeAll
* test suite hook and make sure to call testApp.afterEach() in the afterEach hook.
* The following attributes are exposed for use in your tests:
* testApp.mockServer : a helper class providing methods to initialize a fake
* baserow server with consistent test data.
* testApp.mock : a mock axios adapter used to mock out HTTP calls to the server,
* also used by testApp.mockServer to actually do the server call
* mocking.
* testApp.store : a Vuex store populated with Baserow's stores ready for you to
* commit, get and dispatch to.
* UIHelpers : a collection of methods which know how to perform common actions
* on Baserow's components.
export class TestApp {
constructor(extraPluginSetupFunc = null) {
this.mock = new MockAdapter(axios, { onNoMatch: 'throwException' })
// Fix "scrollIntoViewError is not a function error"
// as described here: https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/1695
window.HTMLElement.prototype.scrollIntoView = function () {}
// In the future we can extend this stub realtime implementation to perform
// useful testing of realtime interaction in the frontend!
this._realtime = {
registerEvent(e, f) {},
subscribe(e, f) {},
unsubscribe(e, f) {},
connect(a, b) {},
disconnect() {},
// Various stub and mock attributes which will be injected into components
// mounted using TestApp.
const cookieStorage = {}
this.cookieStorage = cookieStorage
this._app = {
$realtime: this._realtime,
$cookies: {
set(name, value) {
cookieStorage[name] = value
get(name) {
return cookieStorage[name]
$config: {
PUBLIC_WEB_FRONTEND_URL: 'https://localhost/',
PRIVATE: 'http://backend:8000',
i18n: {
t: (key) => key,
tc: (key) => key,
$i18n: {
getBrowserLocale: () => 'en',
$router: {
resolve({ name, params }) {
return new URL(`https://${name}.com`)
replace({ name, params }) {
return new URL(`https://${name}.com`)
$route: {
name: '',
params: {},
matched: [],
$featureFlagIsEnabled: (flag) => true,
$hasPermission: () => true,
this._app.$clientErrorMap = new ClientErrorMap(this._app)
this._vueContext = bootstrapVueContext()
this.store = _createBaserowStoreAndRegistry(
this.store.$cookies = this._app.$cookies
this._initialCleanStoreState = _.cloneDeep(this.store.state)
Papa.arrayToString = (array) => {
return Papa.unparse([array])
Papa.stringToArray = (str) => {
return Papa.parse(str).data[0]
this._app.$papa = Papa
this.mockServer = this.setupMockServer()
this.failTestOnErrorResponse = true
(response) => {
return response
(error) => {
if (this.failTestOnErrorResponse) {
return Promise.reject(error)
this._wrappers = []
setupMockServer() {
return new MockServer(this.mock, this.store)
dontFailOnErrorResponses() {
this.failTestOnErrorResponse = false
failOnErrorResponses() {
this.failTestOnErrorResponse = true
* Cleans up after a test run performed by TestApp. Make sure you call this
* in your test suits afterEach method!
async afterEach() {
// Destroy all constructed components so when we replace the state no reactivity
// starts running in existing components.
this._wrappers.forEach((w) => w.destroy())
this._wrappers = []
// Flushing promises should be done before the mock reset to avoid raising
// unwanted exceptions
await flushPromises()
* Creates a fully rendered version of the provided Component and calls
* asyncData on the component at the correct time with the provided params.
async mount(Component, { asyncDataParams = {}, ...kwargs }) {
// Sometimes baserow directly appends to the documents body, ensure that we
// are mounting into the document so we can correctly inspect the modals that
// are placed there.
const rootDiv = document.createElement('div')
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Component, 'asyncData')) {
const data = await Component.asyncData({
store: this.store,
params: asyncDataParams,
error: fail,
app: this._app,
route: this._app.$route,
redirect: this._app.$router.replace,
Component.data = function () {
return data
const wrapper = this._vueContext.vueTestUtils.mount(Component, {
localVue: this._vueContext.vue,
mocks: this._app,
attachTo: rootDiv,
// The vm property doesn't alway exist. See https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org/api/wrapper/#properties
if (wrapper.vm) {
await this.callFetchOnChildren(wrapper.vm)
return wrapper
async callFetchOnChildren(c) {
if (c.$options.fetch) {
const fetch = c.$options.fetch
if (typeof fetch !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('fetch should be a function')
await c.$options.fetch.bind(c)()
for (const child of c.$children) {
await this.callFetchOnChildren(child)
getApp() {
return this._app
getStore() {
return this._app.store
getRegistry() {
return this._app.$registry
setRouteToBe(name) {
this._app.$route.matched = [{ name }]
* Various helper functions which interact with baserow components. Lean towards
* putting and sharing any test code which relies on specific details of how baserow
* components are structured and styled in here This way there is a single place
* to fix when changes are made to the components instead of 30 different test cases.
export const UIHelpers = {
async performSearch(tableComponent, searchTerm) {
await tableComponent.get('i.header__search-icon').trigger('click')
const searchBox = tableComponent.get(
await searchBox.setValue(searchTerm)
await searchBox.trigger('submit')
await flushPromises()
async startEditForCellContaining(tableComponent, htmlInsideCellToSearchFor) {
const targetCell = tableComponent
.filter((w) => w.html().includes(htmlInsideCellToSearchFor))
await targetCell.trigger('click')
const activeCell = tableComponent.get('.grid-view__cell.active')
// Double click to start editing cell
await activeCell.trigger('dblclick')
return activeCell.find('input')
getSidebarItemNames(sidebarComponent) {
return sidebarComponent
.findAll('.sidebar__nav .tree__action')
.wrappers.map((t) => t.text())
getDisabledSidebarItemNames(sidebarComponent) {
return sidebarComponent
.findAll('.sidebar__nav .tree__action--deactivated')
.wrappers.map((t) => t.text())
async selectSidebarItem(sidebarComponent, itemName) {
const allNames = []
for (const wrapper of sidebarComponent.findAll(
'.sidebar__nav .tree__action'
).wrappers) {
if (wrapper.text() === itemName) {
await wrapper.trigger('click')
throw new Error(
`Did not find ${itemName} in the Sidebar to click, only found ${allNames}`