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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## v3.4-dev - Unreleased
### Improvements
- Show status changes (flips) in check's log page (#447)
- Implement dynamic favicon in the projects overview page (#971)
- Add support for system theme (#978, @moraj-turing)
- Improve Opsgenie notifications (include description, schedule, link etc.)
- Update the Discord integration to disable channel on HTTP 404 responses
- Update email notifications to include the timestamps of status flips
### Bug Fixes
- Fix hc.front.views.docs_search to handle words "AND", "OR", "NOT" as queries
- Fix integrations to not disclose check's code in incident data
- Fix integrations to include oncalendar schedules in notifications
## v3.3 - 2024-04-03
### Improvements
- Add support for $NAME_JSON and $BODY_JSON placeholders in webhook payloads
- Update the WhatsApp integration to use Twilio Content Templates
- Add auto-refresh functionality to the Log page (#957, @mickBoat00)
- Redesign the "Status Badges" page
- Add support for per-check status badges (#853)
- Add "Last ping subject" field in email notifications
- Change the signup flow to accept registered users (and sign them in instead)
- Implement event type filtering in the Log page (#873)
- Implement dynamic favicon in the "Checks" and "Details" pages (#971, @princekhunt)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix Gotify integration to handle Gotify server URLs with paths (#964)
- Update notification templates to handle cases where check's last ping value is null
- Make statsd metrics collection optional (to enable, set STATSD_HOST env var)
## v3.2 - 2024-02-09
### Improvements
- Update Opsgenie instructions
- Update instructions
- Add system check to validate settings.SITE_ROOT (#895)
- Add tooltips to tag buttons in the checks list screen (#911)
- Improve Email - Keywoard Filtering docs (@mmomjian)
- Split the grace time input field into value/unit input group (#945, @mickBoat00)
- Add a system check to warn about MariaDB UUID migration (#929)
### Bug Fixes
- Increase uWSGI buffer size to allow requests with large cookies (#925)
- Fix crash when processing one-shot OnCalendar schedules
- Fix the handling of ping bodies > 2.5MB (#931)
- Fix crash when inviting team member but SMTP is not configured (@marlenekoh)
## v3.1 - 2023-12-13
### Improvements
- Update logging configuration to write logs to database (to table `logs_record`)
- Improve Pushover notifications (include tags, period, last ping type etc.)
- Implement audo-submit in TOTP entry screen (#905)
- Update the Splunk On-Call integration to disable channel on HTTP 404 responses
- Update the Slack integration to disable channel when Slack returns 400 "invalid_token"
- Update the Pushover integration to disable channel when Pushover reports invalid user
- Update Twilio integrations to disable channel on "Invalid 'To' Phone Number"
- Update the Signal integration to disable channel on UNREGISTERED_FAILURE
- Upgrade to Django 5.0
- Add support for systemd's OnCalendar schedules (#919)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix "Ping Details" dialog to handle email bodies not yet uploaded to object storage
- Fix webauthn registration failure on Firefox with Bitwarden extension
- Fix webauthn registration failure on Firefox < 119 with Ed25519 keys
## v3.0.1 - 2023-10-30
### Bug Fixes
- Fix sending test notification to a group integration
- Fix the Login form to not perform form validation in GET requests
- Fix special character escaping in ntfy notifications
- Fix "Edit ntfy integration" page to fill the existing token in the form
- Fix "Delete Check" and "Update Check" API calls to handle concurrent deletes
- Fix Signal transport to handle JSON-RPC messages with no ids
- Fix DST handling in Check.get_grace_start()
## v3.0 - 2023-10-16
This release drops support of Python 3.9 and below. The minimum required Python
version is 3.10.
### Improvements
- Add Channel.last_notify_duration field, use it in "sendalerts" for prioritization
- Update Telegram integration to treat "bot was blocked by the user" as permanent error
- Add "Time Zone" field in notifications that use the "Schedule" field (#863)
- Add bold and monospace text formatting in Signal notifications
- Update hourly/daily email reminders to only show checks in the "down" state (#881)
- Add support for ntfy access tokens (#879)
- Improve ntfy notifications (include tags, period, last ping type etc.)
- Add an "Account closed." confirmation message after closing an account
- Add monthly uptime percentage display in Check Details page (#773)
- Increase the precision of calculated downtime duration in check's details and reports
- Increase bottom margin for modal windows to work around Mobile Safari issue (#899)
- New integration: notification group (#894)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix "senddeletionnotices" to recognize "Supporter" subscriptions
- Fix "createsuperuser" to reject already registered email addresses (#880)
- Fix hc.accounts.views.check_token to handle non-UUID usernames (#882)
- Fix time interval formatting in Check Details page, downtime summary table
- Fix HTML escaping issue in Project admin
## v2.10 - 2023-07-02
### Improvements
- Configure logging to log unhandled exceptions to console even when DEBUG=False (#835)
- Make hc.lib.emails raise exceptions when EMAIL_ settings are not set
- Decouple check's name from slug, allow users to set hand-picked slugs
- Add /api/v3/ (adds ability to specify slug when creating or updating checks)
- Update Dockerfile to use Debian Bookworm as the base
- Implement optional check auto-provisioning when pinging by slug (#626)
- Add support for the $EXITSTATUS placeholder in webhook payloads (#826)
- Add API support for filtering checks by slug (#844)
- Add support for Telegram topics (#852)
- For cron checks, switch to using check's (not browser's) timezone to format dates
- Upgrade to cronsim 2.5 (adds support for "LW" in the day-of-month field)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix DB connection timeouts in ` smtpd` (#847)
## v2.9.2 - 2023-06-05
### Bug Fixes
- Fix a crash in ` smtpd` when stdin is not attached (#840)
## v2.9.1 - 2023-06-05
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the GHA workflow for building arm/v7 docker image
## v2.9 - 2023-06-05
### Improvements
- Switch from CssAbsoluteFilter to CssRelativeFilter (#822)
- Add statsd metric collection in hc.lib.s3.get_object()
- Upgrade to cronsim 2.4
- Update Signal notification template to include more data
- Add Profile.deletion_scheduled_deleted field, and UI banner when it's set
- Add support for specifying MessagingServiceSid when sending SMS and WA messages
- Update the smtpd management command to use the aiosmtpd library
- Add Rocket.Chat integration (#463)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix a race condition when pinging and deleting checks at the same time
- Fix the checks list to preserve filters when changing sort order (#828)
## v2.8.1 - 2023-04-11
### Bug Fixes
- Fix django-compressor warning with github_actions.html
## v2.8 - 2023-04-11
### Improvements
- Add GitHub Actions examples
- Update the Dockerfile to use Python 3.11
- Update the Ping Details dialog to show the "HTML" tab by default (#801)
- Add a "Switch Project" menu in top navigation
- Update Trello onboarding form to allow longer Trello auth tokens (#806)
- Remove L10N markup from base.html, and associated translations
- Add Arduino usage example
- Upgrade to Django 4.2
- Add email fallback for Signal notifications that hit rate limit
- Make warnings about no backup second factor more assertive
- Add cron expression tester and sample expressions in the cron cheatsheet page
### Bug Fixes
- Fix notification query in the Log page
## v2.7 - 2023-03-06
### Improvements
- Add last ping body in Mattermost notifications (#785)
- Improve the error message about rejected private IPs
- Update Docker image's uwsgi.ini to use SMTPD_PORT env var (#791)
- Update Telegram notification template to include more data
- Add CSRF protection in the signup view
### Bug Fixes
- Fix URL validation to allow hostnames with no TLD ("http://example") (#782)
- Add handling for ProtocolError exceptions in hc.lib.s3.get_object
- Fix a race condition in method
- Fix the SameSite and Secure attributes on the "auto-login" cookie
- Fix the "Test" button in the Integrations screen for read-only users
- Add form double submit protection when registering a WebAuthn key
## v2.6.1 - 2023-01-26
### Improvements
- Improve Prometheus docs, add section "Available Metrics"
### Bug Fixes
- Fix a crash in the "createsuperuser" management command (#779)
## v2.6 - 2023-01-23
### Improvements
- Improve layout in "My Checks" for checks with long ping URLs (#745)
- Add support for communicating with signal-cli over TCP (#732)
- Add /api/v2/ (changes the status reporting of checks in started state) (#633)
- Update to read the ADMINS setting from an environment variable
- Add "Start Keyword" filtering for inbound emails (#716)
- Add rate limiting by client IP in the signup and login views
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the Signal integration to handle unexpected RPC messages better (#763)
- Fix special character encoding in Signal notifications (#767)
- Fix project sort order to be case-insensitive everywhere in the UI (#768)
- Fix special character encoding in project invite emails
- Fix check transfer between same account's projects when at check limit
- Fix wording in the invite email when inviting read-only users
- Fix login and signup views to make email enumeration harder
## v2.5 - 2022-12-14
### Improvements
- Upgrade to fido2 1.1.0 and simplify hc.lib.webauthn
- Add handling for ipv4address:port values in the X-Forwarded-For header (#714)
- Add a form for submitting Signal CAPTCHA solutions
- Add Duration field in the Ping Details dialog (#720)
- Update Mattermost setup instructions
- Add support for specifying a run ID via a "rid" query parameter (#722)
- Add last ping body in Slack notifications (#735)
- Add ntfy integration (#728)
- Add ".txt" suffix to the filename when downloading ping body (#738)
- Add API support for fetching ping bodies (#737)
- Change "Settings - Email Reports" page to allow manual timezone selection
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the most recent ping lookup in the "Ping Details" dialog
- Fix binary data handling in the hc.front.views.ping_body view
- Fix downtime summaries in weekly reports (#736)
- Fix week, month boundary calculation to use user's timezone
## v2.4.1 - 2022-10-18
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the GHA workflow for building arm/v7 docker image
## v2.4 - 2022-10-18
### Improvements
- Add support for EMAIL_USE_SSL environment variable (#685)
- Switch from requests to pycurl
- Implement documentation search
- Add date filters in the Log page
- Upgrade to cronsim 2.3
- Add support for the $BODY placeholder in webhook payloads (#708)
- Implement the "Clear Events" function
- Add support for custom topics in Zulip notifications (#583)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the handling of TooManyRedirects exceptions
- Fix MySQL 8 support in the Docker image (upgrade from buster to bullseye) (#717)
## v2.3 - 2022-08-05
### Improvements
- Update Dockerfile to start SMTP listener (#668)
- Implement the "Add Check" dialog
- Include last ping type in Slack, Mattermost, Discord notifications
- Upgrade to cron-descriptor 1.2.30
- Add "Filter by keywords in the message body" feature (#653)
- Upgrade to HiDPI screenshots in the documentation
- Add support for the $JSON placeholder in webhook payloads
- Add ping endpoints for "log" events
- Add the "Badges" page in docs
- Add support for multiple recipients in incoming email (#669)
- Upgrade to fido2 1.0.0, requests 2.28.1, segno 1.5.2
- Implement auto-refresh and running indicator in the My Projects page (#681)
- Upgrade to Django 4.1 and django-compressor 4.1
- Add API support for resuming paused checks (#687)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the display of ignored pings with non-zero exit status
- Fix a race condition in the "Change Email" flow
- Fix grouping and sorting in the text version of the report/nag emails (#679)
- Fix the update_timeout and pause views to create flips (for downtime bookkeeping)
- Fix the checks list to preserve selected filters when adding/updating checks (#684)
- Fix duration calculation to skip "log" and "ign" events
## v2.2.1 - 2022-06-13
### Improvements
- Improve the text version of the alert email template
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the version number displayed in the footer
## v2.2 - 2022-06-13
### Improvements
- Add address verification step in the "Change Email" flow
- Reduce logging output from sendalerts and sendreports management commands (#656)
- Add Ctrl+C handler in sendalerts and sendreports management commands
- Add notes in docs about configuring uWSGI via UWSGI_ env vars (#656)
- Implement login link expiration (login links will now expire in 1 hour)
- Add Gotify integration (#270)
- Add API support for reading/writing the subject and subject_fail fields (#659)
- Add "Disabled" priority for Pushover notifications (#663)
### Bug Fixes
- Update hc.front.views.channels to handle empty strings in settings (#635)
- Add logic to handle ContentDecodingError exceptions
## v2.1 - 2022-05-10
### Improvements
- Add logic to alert ADMINS when Signal transport hits a CAPTCHA challenge
- Implement the "started" progress spinner in the details pages
- Add "hc_check_started" metric in the Prometheus metrics endpoint (#630)
- Add a management command for submitting Signal rate limit challenges
- Upgrade to django-compressor 4.0
- Update the C# snippet
- Increase max displayed duration from 24h to 72h (#644)
- Add "Ping-Body-Limit" response header in ping API responses
### Bug Fixes
- Fix unwanted localization in badge SVG generation (#629)
- Update email template to handle not yet uploaded ping bodies
- Add small delay in transports.Email.notify to allow ping body to upload
- Fix prunenotifications to handle checks with missing pings (#636)
- Fix "Send Test Notification" for integrations that only send "up" notifications
## v2.0.1 - 2022-03-18
### Bug Fixes
- Fix the GHA workflow for building arm/v7 docker image
## v2.0 - 2022-03-18
This release contains a backwards-incompatible change to the Signal integration
(hence the major version number bump). Healthchecks uses signal-cli to deliver
Signal notifications. In the past versions, Healthchecks interfaced with
signal-cli over DBus. Starting from this version, Healthchecks interfaces
with signal-cli using JSON RPC. Please see README for details on how to set
this up.
### Improvements
- Update Telegram integration to treat "group chat was deleted" as permanent error
- Update email bounce handler to mark email channels as disabled (#446)
- Update Signal integration to use JSON RPC over UNIX socket
- Update the "Add TOTP" form to display plaintext TOTP secret (#602)
- Improve PagerDuty notifications
- Add Ping.body_raw field for storing body as bytes
- Add support for storing ping bodies in S3-compatible object storage (#609)
- Add a "Download Original" link in the "Ping Details" dialog
### Bug Fixes
- Fix unwanted special character escaping in notification messages (#606)
- Fix JS error after copying a code snippet
- Make email non-editable in the "Invite Member" dialog when team limit reached
- Fix Telegram bot to handle TransportError exceptions
- Fix Signal integration to handle UNREGISTERED_FAILURE errors
- Fix unwanted localization of period and grace values in data- attributes (#617)
- Fix Mattermost integration to treat 404 as a transient error (#613)
## v1.25.0 - 2022-01-07
### Improvements
- Implement Pushover emergency alert cancellation when check goes up
- Add "The following checks are also down" section in Telegram notifications
- Add "The following checks are also down" section in Signal notifications
- Upgrade to django-compressor 3.0
- Add support for Telegram channels (#592)
- Implement Telegram group to supergroup migration (#132)
- Update the Slack integration to not retry when Slack returns 404
- Refactor transport classes to raise exceptions on delivery problems
- Add Channel.disabled field, for disabling integrations on permanent errors
- Upgrade to Django 4
- Bump the min. Python version from 3.6 to 3.8 (as required by Django 4)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix report templates to not show the "started" status (show UP or DOWN instead)
- Update Dockerfile to avoid running "pip wheel" more than once (#594)
## v1.24.1 - 2021-11-10
### Bug Fixes
- Fix Dockerfile for arm/v7 - install all dependencies from piwheels
## v1.24.0 - 2021-11-10
### Improvements
- Switch from croniter to cronsim
- Change outgoing webhook timeout to 10s, but cap the total time to 20s
- Implement automatic `api_ping` and `api_notification` pruning (#556)
- Update Dockerfile to install apprise (#581)
- Improve period and grace controls, allow up to 365 day periods (#281)
- Add SIGTERM handling in sendalerts and sendreports
- Remove the "welcome" landing page, direct users to the sign in form instead
### Bug Fixes
- Fix to handle non-utf8 data in request body (#574)
- Fix a crash when hc.api.views.pause receives a single integer in request body
## v1.23.1 - 2021-10-13
### Bug Fixes
- Fix missing uwsgi dependencies in arm/v7 Docker image
## v1.23.0 - 2021-10-13
### Improvements
- Add /api/v1/badges/ endpoint (#552)
- Add ability to edit existing email, Signal, SMS, WhatsApp integrations
- Add new ping URL format: /{ping_key}/{slug} (#491)
- Reduce Docker image size by using slim base image and multi-stage Dockerfile
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.4.1
- Upgrade to jQuery 3.6.0
### Bug Fixes
- Add handling for non-latin-1 characters in webhook headers
- Fix dark mode bug in selectpicker widgets
- Fix a crash during login when user's profile does not exist (#77)
- Drop API support for GET, DELETE requests with a request body
- Add missing @csrf_exempt annotations in API views
- Fix the ping handler to reject status codes > 255
- Add 'schemaVersion' field in the endpoint (#566)
## v1.22.0 - 2021-08-06
### Improvements
- Use multicolor channel icons for better appearance in the dark mode
- Add SITE_LOGO_URL setting (#323)
- Add admin action to log in as any user
- Add a "Manager" role (#484)
- Add support for 2FA using TOTP (#354)
- Add Whitenoise (#548)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix dark mode styling issues in Cron Syntax Cheatsheet
- Fix a 403 when transferring a project to a read-only team member
- Security: fix allow_redirect function to reject absolute URLs
## v1.21.0 - 2021-07-02
### Improvements
- Increase "Success / Failure Keywords" field lengths to 200
- Django 3.2.4
- Improve the handling of unknown email addresses in the Sign In form
- Add support for "... is UP" SMS notifications
- Add an option for weekly reports (in addition to monthly)
- Implement PagerDuty Simple Install Flow, remove PD Connect
- Implement dark mode
### Bug Fixes
- Fix off-by-one-month error in monthly reports, downtime columns (#539)
## v1.20.0 - 2021-04-22
### Improvements
- Django 3.2
- Rename VictorOps -> Splunk On-Call
- Implement email body decoding in the "Ping Details" dialog
- Add a "Subject" field in the "Ping Details" dialog
- Improve HTML email display in the "Ping Details" dialog
- Add a link to check's details page in Slack notifications
- Replace details_url with cloaked_url in email and chat notifications
- In the "My Projects" page, show projects with failing checks first
### Bug Fixes
- Fix downtime summary to handle months when the check didn't exist yet (#472)
- Relax cron expression validation: accept all expressions that croniter accepts
- Fix sendalerts to clear Profile.next_nag_date if all checks up
- Fix the pause action to clear Profile.next_nag_date if all checks up
- Fix the "Email Reports" screen to clear Profile.next_nag_date if all checks up
- Fix the month boundary calculation in monthly reports (#497)
## v1.19.0 - 2021-02-03
### Improvements
- Add tighter parameter checks in hc.front.views.serve_doc
- Update OpsGenie instructions (#450)
- Update the email notification template to include more check and last ping details
- Improve the crontab snippet in the "Check Details" page (#465)
- Add Signal integration (#428)
- Change Zulip onboarding, ask for the zuliprc file (#202)
- Add a section in Docs about running self-hosted instances
- Add experimental Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
- Add rate limiting for Pushover notifications (6 notifications / user / minute)
- Add support for disabling specific integration types (#471)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix unwanted HTML escaping in SMS and WhatsApp notifications
- Fix a crash when adding an integration for an empty Trello account
- Change icon CSS class prefix to 'ic-' to work around Fanboy's filter list
## v1.18.0 - 2020-12-09
### Improvements
- Add a tooltip to the 'confirmation link' label (#436)
- Update API to allow specifying channels by names (#440)
- When saving a phone number, remove any invisible unicode characters
- Update the read-only dashboard's CSS for better mobile support (#442)
- Reduce the number of SQL queries used in the "Get Checks" API call
- Add support for script's exit status in ping URLs (#429)
- Improve phone number sanitization: remove spaces and hyphens
- Change the "Test Integration" behavior for webhooks: don't retry failed requests
- Add retries to the the email sending logic
- Require confirmation codes (sent to email) before sensitive actions
- Implement WebAuthn two-factor authentication
- Implement badge mode (up/down vs up/late/down) selector (#282)
- Add Ping.exitstatus field, store client's reported exit status values (#455)
- Implement header-based authentication (#457)
- Add a "Lost password?" link with instructions in the Sign In page
### Bug Fixes
- Fix db field overflow when copying a check with a long name
## v1.17.0 - 2020-10-14
### Improvements
- Django 3.1
- Handle status callbacks from Twilio, show delivery failures in Integrations
- Removing unused /api/v1/notifications/{uuid}/bounce endpoint
- Less verbose output in the `senddeletionnotices` command
- Host a read-only dashboard (from
- LINE Notify integration (#412)
- Read-only team members
- API support for setting the allowed HTTP methods for making ping requests
### Bug Fixes
- Handle excessively long email addresses in the signup form
- Handle excessively long email addresses in the team member invite form
- Don't allow duplicate team memberships
- When copying a check, copy all fields from the "Filtering Rules" dialog (#417)
- Fix missing Resume button (#421)
- When decoding inbound emails, decode encoded headers (#420)
- Escape markdown in MS Teams notifications (#426)
- Set the "title" and "summary" fields in MS Teams notifications (#435)
## v1.16.0 - 2020-08-04
### Improvements
- Paused ping handling can be controlled via API (#376)
- Add "Get a list of checks's logged pings" API call (#371)
- The /api/v1/checks/ endpoint now accepts either UUID or `unique_key` (#370)
- Added /api/v1/checks/uuid/flips/ endpoint (#349)
- In the cron expression dialog, show a human-friendly version of the expression
- Indicate a started check with a progress spinner under status icon (#338)
- Added "Docs > Reliability Tips" page
- integration (#402)
- Updated Discord integration to use instead of
- Add "Failure Keyword" filtering for inbound emails (#396)
- Add support for multiple, comma-separated keywords (#396)
- New integration: phone calls (#403)
### Bug Fixes
- Removing Pager Team integration, project appears to be discontinued
- Sending a test notification updates Channel.last_error (#391)
- Handle HTTP 429 responses from Matrix server when joining a Matrix room
## v1.15.0 - 2020-06-04
### Improvements
- Rate limiting for Telegram notifications (10 notifications per chat per minute)
- Use Slack V2 OAuth flow
- Users can edit their existing webhook integrations (#176)
- Add a "Transfer Ownership" feature in Project Settings
- In checks list, the pause button asks for confirmation (#356)
- Added /api/v1/metrics/ endpoint, useful for monitoring the service itself
- Added "When paused, ignore pings" option in the Filtering Rules dialog (#369)
### Bug Fixes
- "Get a single check" API call now supports read-only API keys (#346)
- Don't escape HTML in the subject line of notification emails
- Don't let users clone checks if the account is at check limit
## v1.14.0 - 2020-03-23
### Improvements
- Improved UI to invite users from account's other projects (#258)
- Experimental Prometheus metrics endpoint (#300)
- Don't store user's current project in DB, put it explicitly in page URLs (#336)
- API reference in Markdown
- Use Selectize.js for entering tags (#324)
- Zulip integration (#202)
- OpsGenie integration returns more detailed error messages
- Telegram integration returns more detailed error messages
- Added the "Get a single check" API call (#337)
- Display project name in Slack notifications (#342)
### Bug Fixes
- The "render_docs" command checks if markdown and pygments is installed (#329)
- The team size limit is applied to the n. of distinct users across all projects (#332)
- API: don't let SuspiciousOperation bubble up when validating channel ids
- API security: check channel ownership when setting check's channels
- API: update check's "alert_after" field when changing schedule
- API: validate channel identifiers before creating/updating a check (#335)
- Fix redirect after login when adding Telegram integration
## v1.13.0 - 2020-02-13
### Improvements
- Show a red "!" in project's top navigation if any integration is not working
- createsuperuser management command requires an unique email address (#318)
- For superusers, show "Site Administration" in top navigation, note in README (#317)
- Make Ping.body size limit configurable (#301)
- Show sub-second durations with higher precision, 2 digits after decimal point (#321)
- Replace the gear icon with three horizontal dots icon (#322)
- Add a Pause button in the checks list (#312)
- Documentation in Markdown
- Added an example of capturing and submitting log output (#315)
- The sendalerts commands measures dwell time and reports it over statsd protocol
- Django 3.0.3
- Show a warning in top navigation if the project has no integrations (#327)
### Bug Fixes
- Increase the allowable length of Matrix room alias to 100 (#320)
- Make sure Check.last_ping and Ping.created timestamps match exactly
- Don't trigger "down" notifications when changing schedule interactively in web UI
- Fix sendalerts crash loop when encountering a bad cron schedule
- Stricter cron validation, reject schedules like "At midnight of February 31"
- In hc.front.views.ping_details, if a ping does not exist, return a friendly message
## v1.12.0 - 2020-01-02
### Improvements
- Django 3.0
- "Filtering Rules" dialog, an option to require HTTP POST (#297)
- Show Healthchecks version in Django admin header (#306)
- Added JSON endpoint for (#304)
- `senddeletionnotices` command skips profiles with recent last_active_date
- The "Update Check" API call can update check's description (#311)
### Bug Fixes
- Don't set CSRF cookie on first visit. Signup is exempt from CSRF protection
- Fix List-Unsubscribe email header value: add angle brackets
- Unsubscribe links serve a form, and require HTTP POST to actually unsubscribe
- For webhook integration, validate each header line separately
- Fix "Send Test Notification" for webhooks that only fire on checks going up
- Don't allow adding webhook integrations with both URLs blank
- Don't allow adding email integrations with both "up" and "down" unchecked
## v1.11.0 - 2019-11-22
### Improvements
- In monthly reports, no downtime stats for the current month (month has just started)
- Add Microsoft Teams integration (#135)
- Add Profile.last_active_date field for more accurate inactive user detection
- Add "Shell Commands" integration (#302)
- PagerDuty integration works with or without PD_VENDOR_KEY (#303)
### Bug Fixes
- On mobile, "My Checks" page, always show the gear (Details) button (#286)
- Make log events fit better on mobile screens
## v1.10.0 - 2019-10-21
### Improvements
- Add the "Last Duration" field in the "My Checks" page (#257)
- Add "last_duration" attribute to the Check API resource (#257)
- Upgrade to psycopg2 2.8.3
- Add Go usage example
- Send monthly reports on 1st of every month, not randomly during the month
- Signup form sets the "auto-login" cookie to avoid an extra click during first login
- Autofocus the email field in the signup form, and submit on enter key
- Add support for OpsGenie EU region (#294)
- Update OpsGenie logo and setup illustrations
- Add a "Create a Copy" function for cloning checks (#288)
- Send email notification when monthly SMS sending limit is reached (#292)
### Bug Fixes
- Prevent double-clicking the submit button in signup form
- Upgrade to Django 2.2.6 fixes sqlite migrations (#284)
## v1.9.0 - 2019-09-03
### Improvements
- Show the number of downtimes and total downtime minutes in monthly reports (#104)
- Show the number of downtimes and total downtime minutes in "Check Details" page
- Add the `pruneflips` management command
- Add Mattermost integration (#276)
- Three choices in timezone switcher (UTC / check's timezone / browser's timezone) (#278)
- After adding a new check redirect to the "Check Details" page
### Bug Fixes
- Fix javascript code to construct correct URLs when running from a subdirectory (#273)
- Don't show the "Sign Up" link in the login page if registration is closed (#280)
## v1.8.0 - 2019-07-08
### Improvements
- Add the `prunetokenbucket` management command
- Show check counts in JSON "badges" (#251)
- Webhooks support HTTP PUT (#249)
- Webhooks can use different req. bodies and headers for "up" and "down" events (#249)
- Show check's code instead of full URL on 992px - 1200px wide screens (#253)
- Add WhatsApp integration (uses Twilio same as the SMS integration)
- Webhooks support the $TAGS placeholder
- Don't include ping URLs in API responses when the read-only key is used
### Bug Fixes
- Fix badges for tags containing special characters (#240, #237)
- Fix the "Integrations" page for when the user has no active project
- Prevent email clients from opening the one-time login links (#255)
- Fix `prunepings` and `prunepingsslow`, they got broken when adding Projects (#264)
## v1.7.0 - 2019-05-02
### Improvements
- Add the EMAIL_USE_VERIFICATION configuration setting (#232)
- Show "Badges" and "Settings" in top navigation (#234)
- Upgrade to Django 2.2
- Can configure the email integration to only report the "down" events (#231)
- Add "Test!" function in the Integrations page (#207)
- Rate limiting for the log in attempts
- Password strength meter and length check in the "Set Password" form
- Show the Description section even if the description is missing. (#246)
- Include the description in email alerts. (#247)
## v1.6.0 - 2019-04-01
### Improvements
- Add the "desc" field (check's description) to API responses
- Add maxlength attribute to HTML input=text elements
- Improved logic for displaying job execution times in log (#219)
- Add Matrix integration
- Add Pager Team integration
- Add a management command for sending inactive account notifications
### Bug Fixes
- Fix refreshing of the checks page filtered by tags (#221)
- Escape asterisks in Slack messages (#223)
- Fix a "invalid time format" in front.views.status_single on Windows hosts
## v1.5.0 - 2019-02-04
### Improvements
- Database schema: add uniqueness constraint to Check.code
- Database schema: add Ping.kind field. Remove "start" and "fail" fields
- Add "Email Settings..." dialog and "Subject Must Contain" setting
- Database schema: add the Project model
- Move project-specific settings to a new "Project Settings" page
- Add a "Transfer to Another Project..." dialog
- Add the "My Projects" page
## v1.4.0 - 2018-12-25
### Improvements
- Set Pushover alert priorities for "down" and "up" events separately
- Additional python usage examples
- Allow simultaneous access to checks from different teams
- Add CORS support to API endpoints
- Flip model, for tracking status changes of the Check objects
- Add `/ping/<code>/start` API endpoint
- When using the `/start` endpoint, show elapsed times in ping log
### Bug Fixes
- Fix after-login redirects (the "?next=" query parameter)
- Update Check.status field when user edits timeout & grace settings
- Use timezone-aware datetimes with croniter, avoid ambiguities around DST
- Validate and reject cron schedules with six components
## v1.3.0 - 2018-11-21
### Improvements
- Load settings from environment variables
- Add "List-Unsubscribe" header to alert and report emails
- Don't send monthly reports to inactive accounts (no pings in 6 months)
- Add search box in the "My Checks" page
- Add read-only API key support
- Remove Profile.bill_to field (obsolete)
- Show a warning when running with DEBUG=True
- Add "channels" attribute to the Check API resource
- Can specify channel codes when updating a check via API
- Add a workaround for email agents automatically opening "Unsubscribe" links
- Add field, users can now name integrations
- Add "Get a List of Existing Integrations" API call
### Bug Fixes
- During DST transition, handle ambiguous dates as pre-transition
## v1.2.0 - 2018-10-20
### Improvements
- Content updates in the "Welcome" page.
- Added "Docs > Third-Party Resources" page.
- Improved layout and styling in "Login" page.
- Separate "Sign Up" and "Log In" forms.
- "My Checks" page: support filtering checks by query string parameters.
- Added Trello integration
### Bug Fixes
- Timezones were missing in the "Change Schedule" dialog, fixed.
- Fix hamburger menu button in "Login" page.
## v1.1.0 - 2018-08-20
### Improvements
- A new "Check Details" page.
- Updated django-compressor, psycopg2, pytz, requests package versions.
- C# usage example.
- Checks have a "Description" field.