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Extending the Ice interface

The server component supports RPC via ZeroC Ice. This document describes how the Ice interface of the server can be extended.

Note: If not stated otherwise all referenced files live in src/murmur/.

The files involved in extending the Ice interface are

File Description Contains the formal definition of the interface
MumbleServer.h Contains the C++ interface definition (abstract base classes). This file is generated based on when invoking cmake (via slice2cpp).
MumbleServer.cpp Contains some boilerplate and Ice-internal implementation code. This file is automatically generated.
MumbleServerI.h Contains the definition of the actually implemented API classes (ServerI and MetaI). These extend the abstract base classes from MumbleServer.h
MumbleServerWrapper.cpp Contains wrapper implementation of the *I API classes. This file is automatically generated.
MumbleServere.h Contains the definition of a statically used helper class
MumbleServere.cpp Contains the implementation of that helper class and static functions used to actually implement the server-side functionality of the Ice API functions
RPC.cpp Contains the implementations of the Server (the Mumble server, not the Ice API type) class's member functions that are required to make certain functionality accessible to the static functions in MumbleServerIce.cpp

All auto-generated functions will end up in the corresponding directory inside the build directory.


The steps are

  1. Add new function declarations to MumbleServerI.h
  2. Write impl function in MumbleServerIce.cpp
  3. Potentially write new public API functions (declare in Server.h and define in RPC.cpp


The MumbleServerIceWrapper.cpp file contains the *_async versions of the Ice callbacks that handle the async nature of these callbacks and also contain the boilerplate for e.g. verification of the caller and things like this. Most importantly though these functions call the impl_* functions defined in MumbleServerIce.cpp. For instance a function called updateCertificates inside the Server class will call impl_Server_updateCertificate which has to be defined as a static function inside MumbleServerIce.cpp.

The declarations of the async functions generated this way are contained inside MumbleServerI.h. You have to manually add the function's declaration into there. The easiest way to do this is to let the implementation be auto-generated and then copy the function signature from there into the MumbleServer.h file (make the declaration virtual though).

The impl function's signature is always

static void impl_<className>_<functionName>(const ::MumbleServer::AMD_<className>_<functionName>Ptr cb [, int server_id] [, <function arguments>]) {
    // Implementation goes here

    cb->ice_response([<function return value>]);
  • <className>: Name of the class the function is declared in (e.g. Server or Meta)
  • <functionName>: Name of the function as declared in the file
  • [, int server_id]: Only needed when extending the Server API class (the brackets are not part of what needs to be written in code)
  • [, <function arguments>]: To be replaced by the list of arguments the function takes
  • [<function return value>]: To be replaced with the value this function returns or to be removed if the function does not return anything.

If you have used non-default types that are declared in (e.g. IdList), you can reference them here as ::MumbleServer::<typeName> (e.g. ::MumbleServer::IdList).

Error reporting works via the cb->ice_exception function and if everything went well, the function must end by calling cb->ice_response (potentially passing a value to that function that shall be returned to the caller of the function).

In general it is a good idea to have a look at the existing implementation inside MumbleServerIce.cpp and take inspiration from those.

Note that the implementations make heavy use of macros (e.g. NEED_SERVER, NEED_CHANNEL, etc.). These will initialize the corresponding variables (server, channel, etc.) based in the parameters fed into the function (In order to obtain the channel, user, etc. you always have to initialize the server variable first). For this to work it is essential that you are using the same parameter names as the existing implementations (e.g. server_id for the server's ID). (For historical reasons the macro to obtain the user variable is called NEED_PLAYER)

If the function requires action on the server's side (beyond its public API), you have to declare a new public function in the Server class (this time the Mumble server though; not the Ice server class) defined in Server.h (the definitions belong to the group of other RPC functions in there - section marked by a comment). The implementation of this new function should then be written in RPC.cpp.

An example of when this is needed is for instance if you have to access the list of connected clients (e.g. because you want to send them a message). While in the current state of the code it would be possible to access this list from the outside (public visibility), you should prefer creating a public API function in the Mumble Server class that has the implementation in RPC.cpp.

Testing Ice interface changes

So far, you've used to modify and generate server-side code. The same file can be used to create Ice clients, which then interact with the server. A small amount of configuration is required, namely:

Setting Example Description
host The IP address (or domain) to which MumbleServer's Ice interface is bound. (Check murmur.ini's ice property -h flag.)
port 6502 The TCP port on which Ice's interface is listening. (Check murmur.ini's ice property -p flag.)
secret ice_pa55word A clear-text "password" used to authorize with the Ice server. (This will either be icesecretread or icesecretwrite from murmur.ini, with read-only or read-write privileges respectively.)
slicefile The file, containing any changes you intend to test. (This can be dynamically fetched from the Mumble server, provided it's running, has Ice exposed, and was built with the updated file.)

⚠️ Since the server's Ice interface is clear-text, there are security factors to consider. Use a strong-ish, unique secret, not used for any other case.

An existing Python Ice client is, which simply creates necessary Ice objects and then drops you into an interactive Python shell. (Refer to the Wiki and Natenom for longer guides.)

# Make sure the Mumble server is running (in a separate terminal)
# $ ./mumble-server ...

# Grab
$ wget --quiet

# Either modify directly, or create with your proper settings
$ cat << EOF >
host = ""
port = 6502
secret = "ice_pa55word"
prxstr = "Meta:tcp -h {} -p {} -t 1000".format(host, port)
slicefile = ""

# Invoke Python and drop into interactive mode
$ ipython -i    # IPython is very handy!
Import ice... Done
Trying to retrieve slice dynamically from server... Success
Import dynamically compiled murmur class... Done
Establish ice connection... [protected]... Done
MumbleServer object accessible via 'murmur' or 'm'
1 booted servers in 'sl', 's' contains 's/1 -t -e 1.0:tcp -h -p 6502 -t 60000'
--- Reached interactive mode ---

In [1]: m, s   # Represents "Meta" and (virtual) "Server" objects
(Meta -t -e 1.0:tcp -h -p 6502 -t 1000,
 s/1 -t -e 1.0:tcp -h -p 6502 -t 60000)

# Tab-complete to find interesting functions and play with Ice struct properties
 In [2]: [(user.session, for user in s.getUsers().values()]
Out[2]: [(8L, 'Alice'), (7L, 'Bob')]

# IPython supports various inspection -- showing what it takes to kick a user
In [3]: s.kickUser?
Signature: s.kickUser(session, reason, context=None)
Docstring: <no docstring>
File:      /tmp/
Type:      instancemethod

In [4]: s.kickUser(8, "Bye bye, Alice!")

In [5]: [(user.session, for user in s.getUsers().values()]
Out[5]: [(7L, 'Bob')]

Refer to the Wiki for additional 3rd-party applications which leverage the server's Ice interface.