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Incrementing the Mumble API version


Plugins are used to extend the Mumble client with custom functionality. They are compiled against the MumblePlugin.h header, which contains all required definitions (and utilities) that a plugin needs to "do its thing". Among these definitions, are the functions that are part of the Mumble API (search for Mumble API). If you modify these definitions, you'll have to update the API's version number.

Which version to increment, depends on what kind of change you have made:

  • The change is only a minor correction (e.g. fixing a typo in a parameter name or fixing a bug in Mumble's implementation of an API function). Increase the value of MUMBLE_PLUGIN_API_PATCH_MACRO by one.
  • The change breaks existing plugins (e.g. adding a new parameter to an existing function or adding a new function altogether). Increase the value of MUMBLE_PLUGIN_API_MINOR_MACRO by one and adapt the API code in Mumble (see below).
  • The change is not compatible with the existing framework at all. You should never, ever do this without thorough discussions with the project maintainers. As for the versioning: a custom procedure will have to be agreed on.

Adapting the Mumble logic

If the API's minor or major version number have been increased, you will have to adapt Mumble's code to make sure that it will be able to serve individual plugins different versions of the API. For that, you will have to adapt the code inside the init() function of the Plugin class. More specifically, you will have to add another branch to the if-statement that selects the requested API struct.

The required API::getMumbleAPI_v_* functions are implemented inside the API.h and API.cpp files. Simply follow the already present examples and create a specific implementation for the new version. Pointers to functions that have not changed can be used as before.

If you have added a new parameter to an existing function, calling the old function (which should still be available in most cases) should internally call the new implementation, with that parameter set to a sensible default. This way, all API function calls will end up using the same implementation on Mumble's side (which reduces maintenance work).