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Nodes tab
The Nodes tab provides a summarized view of your Room, allowing you to view quick information per node.
Keep in mind that all configurations mentioned below are persistent and visible across all users.
Center information view
The center information view consists of one row per node, and can be configured and filtered by the user.
Filtering and adjusting the view
In the top right-hand corner, you can:
- Order the nodes per status or per alert status
- Select which charts you want to be displayed as quick reference points
Node row
Each node row allows you to:
- View the node's status
- Go to a single node dashboard by clicking the node name
- View information about the node, along with a button to display more in the right-hand sidebar
- View active alerts for the node
- View Machine Learning status
- View Functions capability status
- Add configuration (beta)
- Add alert silencing rules
- View a set of key attributes collected on your node
Right bar
The bar on the right-hand side provides additional information about the nodes in the Room and allows you to filter what is displayed in the center information view.
Node hierarchy
The first tab displays a hierarchy of the nodes displayed, making it easy to find a specific node by name. It follows the ordering that the user has selected.
Filters sub-tab
The second tab allows you to filter which nodes are displayed, you can filter by:
- Host labels
- Node status
- Netdata version
- Individual nodes
Alerts sub-tab
The third tab displays Room alerts and allows you to see additional information about each alert.
Info sub-tab
The last tab presents information about a node, by clicking the i
icon from a node's row, right next to its name.