mirror of https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate.git synced 2024-09-19 11:36:44 +00:00
Rhys Arkins 879f7cc212 feat(packageRules): migrate matchers and excludes (#28602)
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Poxhofer <secustor@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Kriese <michael.kriese@visualon.de>
2024-07-25 15:28:16 +02:00

272 lines
13 KiB

title: Automerge configuration and troubleshooting
description: Learn all about Renovate's automerge functionality here
# Introduction
Automerging is a Renovate feature that you can use to automate upgrading dependencies.
When enabled, Renovate tries to merge the proposed update once the tests pass.
Keep in mind that Renovate automerges take a bit of time, do not expect Renovate to automerge a PR the second it opens and passes tests.
Wait for at least an hour or two before troubleshooting to ensure that Renovate has had the time to run once in a state where tests have passed and the branch is up-to-date with its base branch.
If you or others keep committing to the default branch then Renovate cannot find a suitable gap to automerge into!
Once a branch is automerged, the "Git state" needs to be recalculated for every remaining branch.
At times, merging one branch could result in another branch's updates being changed or even removed as unnecessary.
Renovate's approach is to ensure that automerging branches are up-to-date with their target branch before automerging.
This means merging multiple branches in a row won't work reliably, so we prefer not to do that.
What all this means is that Renovate will only automerge at most one branch/PR per target branch per run, before you need to wait for the next run.
As a general guide, we recommend that you enable automerge for any type of dependency updates where you would select "merge" anyway.
For any updates where you want to review the changelogs - or code - before you merge, you can keep automerge disabled.
Automerge works particularly well for `devDependencies` as well as for production `dependencies` in projects which have great test coverage.
For example, if you have Jest or Mocha as a development dependency, and it has an upgrade with passing tests... automerge them!
If you have a linter like ESLint or TSLint and its update passes... automerge them!
If you have an API with 100% test coverage and Express is updated... automerge it!
![Automerged PR](../assets/images/automerged-pr.png){ loading=lazy }
## Configuration examples
### Automerge lock file maintenance
The lowest risk type of update to automerge is probably `lockFileMaintenance`.
When Renovate performs lock file maintenance, it leaves the project dependency definitions unchanged, but refreshes the lock file completely so that the latest versions according to the package file constraints are installed.
```json title="Example of automerging lock file maintenance"
"lockFileMaintenance": {
"enabled": true,
"automerge": true
### Automerge lint tool updates
Automerging lint tool updates can be a real time-saver.
Sometimes an update to a lint tool or plugin definition causes tests to fail, and that is usually deliberate/intentional because the lint authors have added a new rule that you need to adhere to.
But in many cases the new version(s) will pass tests, and if so then there's really nothing else to consider before merging, so they may as well be automerged:
```json title="Example of automerging lint and Prettier development packages"
"packageRules": [
"matchDepTypes": ["devDependencies"],
"matchPackageNames": ["lint", "prettier"],
"automerge": true
### Automerge non-major updates
Non-major updates in SemVer ecosystems shouldn't have breaking changes (if they follow the spec), so many users enable automerge for these too:
```json title="Example of automerging non-major updates in SemVer ecosystem"
"packageRules": [
"matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch"],
"matchCurrentVersion": "!/^0/",
"automerge": true
The `matchCurrentVersion` setting above is a rule to exclude any dependencies which are pre-1.0.0 because those can make breaking changes at _any_ time according to the SemVer spec.
### Automerge monorepo PRs
Say you want to automerge `patch` and `minor` updates for packages in the `group:ionic-nativeMonorepo` preset:
```json title="Example of automerging patch and minor updates in a group from a preset"
"packageRules": [
"extends": ["monorepo:ionic-native"],
"matchUpdateTypes": ["patch", "minor"],
"automerge": true
### Faster merges with platform-native automerge
By default, Renovate uses platform-native automerge to speed up automerging.
If you don't want Renovate to use the platform-native automerge, then set `platformAutomerge` to `false`.
```json title="Example of disabling platform-native automerge"
"lockFileMaintenance": {
"enabled": true,
"automerge": true,
"automergeType": "pr",
"platformAutomerge": false
For more information read [`platformAutomerge`](../configuration-options.md#platformautomerge).
### GitHub Merge Queue
Renovate supports GitHub's Merge Queue.
Read the [GitHub Docs, managing a merge queue](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/configuring-pull-request-merges/managing-a-merge-queue) first.
The steps to enable GitHub's Merge Queue differ based on whether you use GitHub Actions or another CI provider.
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!!! tip "GitHub Merge Queue overview page"
GitHub has a page that shows all the PRs in the Merge Queue.
The page link follows this pattern: `https://github.com/organization-name/repository-name/queue/base-branch-name`.
For example, here's [Renovate's main repository's Merge Queue overview](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/queue/main).
#### If you use GitHub Actions
If you use GitHub Actions as your CI provider, follow these steps:
Add the `on.merge_group` event to your GitHub Action `.yaml` files, for example:
On `github.com`, go to your repository's "homepage", click on Settings, scroll down to the Pull Requests section and [enable the "Allow auto-merge" checkbox](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/configuring-pull-request-merges/managing-auto-merge-for-pull-requests-in-your-repository#managing-auto-merge).
Then go to your repository's branch protection rules for your base branch (usually `main`) and enable the "Require merge queue" setting.
Confirm you've set the correct "required checks" for your base branch.
Finally, allow Renovate to automerge by setting `automerge=true` in your Renovate config file, for example:
"packageRules": [
"description": "Automerge non-major updates",
"matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch"],
"automerge": true
#### If you don't use GitHub Actions
If you _don't_ use GitHub Actions as your CI provider, follow these steps:
Update your CI provider's configuration so it also runs tests on the temporary `gh-readonly-queue/{base_branch}` branches, read your CI providers's documentation to learn how to do this.
On `github.com`, go to your repository's "homepage", click on Settings, scroll down to the Pull Requests section and [enable the "Allow auto-merge" checkbox](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/configuring-pull-request-merges/managing-auto-merge-for-pull-requests-in-your-repository#managing-auto-merge).
Go to your repository's branch protection rules for your base branch (usually `main`) and enable the "Require merge queue" setting.
Confirm you've set the correct "required checks" for your base branch.
Finally, allow Renovate to automerge by setting `automerge=true` in your Renovate config file (see earlier example).
## Automerging and scheduling
Automerging is particularly beneficial if you have configured a schedule, because Renovate on its own may be able to automerge the majority of your updates.
And this is especially so if your repository needs rebasing, like when you use lock files.
Let's say you have dependencies `abc` and `xyz` with upgrades, and you use a `yarn.lock` file.
- At the start of the schedule, `Renovate` will create branches for `abc` and `xyz` upgrades, including `yarn.lock` updates
- After `abc` passes tests, `Renovate` will automerge it into the base branch
- The `xyz` branch has a `yarn.lock` conflict now
- Renovate will immediately check all other branches and rebase them
- The change to `xyz` branch will trigger another round of CI tests
- After the updated `xyz` branch passes, Renovate will automerge it too
This is a lot better than you waking up to two PRs and then having to deal with conflicts yourself after you merge the first one.
## Branch vs PR automerging
Even if you automerge PRs, you are likely to still get notification noise - one when the PR is created and another when it is merged.
For this reason we recommend you consider setting `automergeType=branch` which will mean:
- Renovate first creates a branch and no PR
- If tests pass, Renovate pushes a commit directly to the base branch without PR
- If tests fail, Renovate raises a PR for you to review
Add the `renovate/**` branch to your testing workflow files, or Renovate will not work properly with the `automergeType=branch` setting.
The result is that passing updates are essentially "silent" - the only sign of them are the commits Renovate pushes to your base branch.
If you have enabled branch protection which prevents Renovate from automerging directly to the base branch, then this won't work and you should stick with the default PR-based automerging instead.
## Assignees and Reviewers
When automerge is enabled on a PR, Renovate will _not_ add assignees or reviewers at PR creation time, in order to decrease notifications noise a little.
If tests subsequently _fail_, making automerge not possible, then Renovate will add the configured assignees and/or reviewers.
Note: Renovate won't add assignees and reviewers to a PR with failing checks if the PR already has assignees or reviewers present.
If there are accounts you wish to ignore (i.e. add assignees and reviewers regardless) then add them to `ignoreReviewers` to specify those which should be filtered out in such consideration.
## Frequent problems and how to resolve them
### Automerge not enabled correctly in config
Sometimes, the reason Renovate is not automerging a PR is because of a configuration mistake.
You can confirm that Renovate knows you want it to automerge by checking if the PR body includes the text "Automerge: Enabled".
If you see "Automerge: Disabled by config" it means you need to make a config change for automerge to work.
### Absence of tests
By default, Renovate will not automerge until it sees passing status checks / check runs for the branch.
If you have no tests but still want Renovate to automerge, you need to add `"ignoreTests": true` to your configuration.
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!!! tip
We strongly recommend you have tests in any project where you are regularly updating dependencies.
### Committer restrictions
If you have protected your base branch with a list of allowed committers, and Renovate is not on that list, then naturally automerge can't work.
### Pull Requests Required
If you have configured your project to require Pull Requests before merging, it means that branch automerging is not possible, even if Renovate has rights to commit to the base branch.
### Required Pull Request reviews
If you have mandatory Pull Request reviews then it means Renovate can't automerge its own PR until such a review has happened.
If you're on `github.com` or GitHub Enterprise Server (`>=3.4`) you can let Renovate bypass the mandatory Pull Request reviews using the "[Allow specified actors to bypass required pull requests](https://github.blog/changelog/2021-11-19-allow-bypassing-required-pull-requests/)" option in your branch protection rules.
Alternatively, if you use the Mend Renovate App, you can also install the helper apps [renovate-approve](https://github.com/apps/renovate-approve) and [renovate-approve-2](https://github.com/apps/renovate-approve-2) and they will mark all automerging Pull Requests by Renovate as approved.
These approval helper apps are only available for GitHub.
### Codeowners
Depending on the platform, having a `CODEOWNERS` file could block automerging, because it means a code owner must review the PR.
### Overriding global automerge
You might have setup a global configuration in a `.github` repository, that has a `renovate.json` file that turns on automerge for certain dependencies.
It does not matter where you've put the global config, the important point in this example is that you're extending from a global config that's somewhere else.
For this example we'll assume you put your config in a repository on GitHub, called `.github`.
Repositories in the organization all extend from this global configuration, and so they "inherit" the automerge settings as well.
To turn off automerge for all dependencies of a selected repository, you need to make a config that overrides all `packageRules` in the repository's `renovate.json` file, like this:
"$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
"extends": ["local>org-name/.github:renovate-config"],
"packageRules": [
"matchPackageNames": ["*"],
"automerge": false