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How to contribute to SuiteCRM

Code of Conduct

This project and all community members are expected to uphold the SuiteCRM Code of Conduct.

Bug Reporting

  • Please do not open a GitHub issue if the bug is a security vulnerability, and instead email us at security@suitecrm.com. This will be delivered to the product team who handle security issues. Please don't disclose security bugs publicly until they have been handled by the security team.

  • Your email will be acknowledged within 24 hours during the business week (Mon - Fri), and youll receive a more detailed response to your email within 72 hours during the business week (Mon - Fri) indicating the next steps in handling your report.

  • Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.

  • If you're unable to find an open issue that relates to your problem, open a new one. Please be sure to follow the issue template as much as possible.

  • Ensure that the bug you are reporting is a core SuiteCRM issue and not specific to your individual setup. For these types of issues please use the Community Forum.

Did you fix a bug?

  • To provide a code contribution for an issue you will need to set up your own fork of the SuiteCRM repository, make your code changes, commit the changes and make a Pull Request to the appropriate branch on the SuiteCM repository. See our Quick Guide to Fork SuiteCRM. Once you have set up your forked repository you can begin making commits to the project.

  • Determine which base branch your bug fix should use. If your bug is present in both hotfix and hotfix-7.10.x then you will need to make a separate pull request for each branch.

  • Separate each fix into a new branch in your repository and name it with the issue ID e.g. bugfix_3062 or issue-1234.

  • When committing to your individual bugfix branch, please try and use the following as your commit message Fixed #1234 - <the subject of the issue>. E.g. Fixed #1436 - Reports with nested Parentheses are removing parameters. By using this format we can easily include all bug fixes within major and minor release notes on our Wiki.

  • If you are new to Writing Commit Messages in git, follow the guide here.

  • After you have made your commits and pushed them up to your forked repository you then create a Pull Request to be reviewed and merged into the SuiteCRM repository. Make a new Pull Request for each issue you fix do not combine multiple bugfixes into one Pull Request. Ensure that your Pull Request fork is salesagility/SuiteCRM, base branch is either hotfix or hotfix-7.8.x, the head fork is your repository, and the base branch is your unique bugfix branch e.g. bugfix_1234. We will automatically reject any Pull Requests made to the wrong branch!

  • If you have not signed our CLA Contributor License Agreement then your pull request will fail a check and we will be unable to merge it into the project. You will only be required to sign this once.

  • When a new Pull Request is opened, Travis CI will test the merging of the origin and upstream branch and update the Pull Request. If this check fails you can review the test results and resolve accordingly. To test prior to making a Pull Request install PHPUnit via composer into your develop environment then cd into the tests directory and run: $ sh runtests.sh

  • Ensure that you follow the pull request template as much as possible.

Did you create a new feature or enhancement?

  • Changes that can be considered a new feature or enhancement should be made to the develop branch instead of the hotfix or hotfix-7.8.x. branch.

  • To contribute a feature to SuiteCRM, similar to providing a Bug Fix, you must create a forked repository of SuiteCRM and set up your git and development environment. Once done, create a new branch from hotfix-7.10.x (Issues effecting 7.10 & 7.11) or hotfix (Issues effecting 7.11 only) and name it relevant to the feature's purpose e.g campaign-wizard-ui. Following our Code Standards, develop the new feature and ensure your forked repository is kept up to date with minor/major releases. See our Quick Guide to Fork SuiteCRM to update your repository. Make sure your commit messages are relevant and descriptive. When ready to submit for review, make a Pull Request detailing your feature's functionality. Ensure that your Pull Requests base fork is salesagility/SuiteCRM, the base branch is hotfix-7.10.x (Issues effecting 7.10 & 7.11) or hotfix (Issues effecting 7.11 only), the head fork is your repository, and the base branch is your feature branch. Add any new PHPUnit tests to the new feature branch if required e.g new modules or classes.

Issue and Pull Request Labels

  • This section lists the labels we use to help us track and manage issues and pull requests across the SuiteCRM repositories.

  • By using GitHub search you can use labels to help find issues and pull requests that you are interested in. If for example, you are interested in which PR's will be included in the next release of SuiteCRM, you can use the open issues "Resolved: Next Release" label.

  • We encourage users who feel an issue should be raised as a higher priority for a next release that they should make a comment to that affect. This also applies to incorrect labelling.

General Labels

Label name salesagility/SuiteCRM Description
Bug search Bugs within the core SuiteCRM codebase
Community Contribution search These are contribution made by the community
Deprecated search Issues & PRs related to an unsupported version of SuiteCRM
Enhancement search Pull requests that provide more functionality. Associated Issues are called suggestions
Fix Proposed search A issue that has a PR related to it that provides a possible resolution
Good First Issue search A good issue for someone new to SuiteCRM or web development
Help Wanted search Requesting help from the community to achieve a solution
High Priority search Issues & PRs that are critical; broken core functionality; fatal errors; there are no workarounds
Medium Priority search Issues & PRs that are important; broken functions; errors; there are workarounds
Low Priority search Issues & PRs that are minor; broken styling; warns; there are practical workarounds
Resolved: Next Release search Issues that have been resolved in a hotfix branch and scheduled to be in the next release
Suggestion search Issue containing a suggestion of functionality, process or UI. Associated PRs are called enhancement
Question search This is a question raised about the functionality of SuiteCRM

Description Labels

Label name salesagility/SuiteCRM Description
API search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding the API
Campaigns search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding campaigns
Cases search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding cases
Clean Up search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding to technical debt and log files
Databases search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding databases
Dependencies search Pull Requests that update a core dependency
Developer Tools search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding development tools like Robo, Travis, etc
Discussion search Issues & PRs related to ongoing discussions
Elasticsearch search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding Elasticsearch
Emails:Campaigns search Issues & PRs related to email campaigns
Emails:Cases search Issues & PRs related to email cases & AOP
Emails:Compose search Issues & PRs related to email compose
Emails:Config search Issues & PRs related to email configuration
Emails:Templates search Issues & PRs related to email templates
Emails search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding emails & email module
Enviroment search Issues & PRs related to the application environment
Installation search Issues & PRs related to the installation of the application
Language search Issues & PRs that are confirmed as issues with language & translation within the core
Module search Issues & PRs related to modules that do not have specific label
Reports search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding reports
Upgrading search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding upgrading & UpgradeWizard
Workflow search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding workflow
Studio search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding studio & module builder
Styling search Issues & PRs related to all things regarding styling

Status Labels

Label name salesagility/SuiteCRM Description
Assessed search PRs that have been tested and confirmed to resolve an issue by a core team member
Community Assessed search PRs that have been tested and confirmed to resolve an issue by at least 2 community members
In Review search Pull Requests that are activity being reviewed by the core team
Wrong Branch search Pull requests that point towards a restricted branch such as master
Needs Review search Needs the core team to code review
Needs Assessed search Needs the core team to assess
Invalid search Issues & PRs which are a duplicate of an existing issue/PR
Duplicate search Issues & PRs which are a duplicate of an existing issue/PR
Requires Tests search Suggestion to OP to provide automated testing (unit, or acceptance)
Requires Updates search Issues & PRs which requires input or update from the author
Needs Documentation search Requires adding documentation
Needs Duplicated: Latest search Pull Requests that require being duplicated to the "latest" branches i.e. Hotfix
Needs Duplicated: LTS search Pull Requests that require being duplicated to the LTS branches i.e. hotfix-7.x.x
Work In Progress search Pull Requests that are not yet ready to be assessed


SuiteCRM Team