1,013 B
Install on Railway
Railway is a cloud platform that allows you to instantly deploy and scale applications. They have over 200 templates that can easily be deployed, and Baserow is one of them.
Create an account
If you don't have an account already, you can navigate to https://railway.app/, and create a new account.
Start new project
After that you can click on the button Start a New Project
, search for Baserow
click on it, and you will immediately see the preconfigured settings. Click on the
button, and wait until all the services spin up.
When the containers started, you can click on the Baserow one, and then click on the
link to open Baserow.
Not compatible with Trial plan
Baserow is unfortunately not compatible with the trial plan. It has a maximum of 512 MB
of memory, and even running Baserow with environment variable BASEROW_RUN_MINIMAL=True
it's not enough to run the all-in-one image. You have to be on the Hobby plan at