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We use pip-tools to manage our pip requirement files.

Base Requirements contains our non-dev requirements for our backend python environment and base.txt is the corresponding pip requirements file generated by pip-tools:

pip-compile --output-file=base.txt

We install the base.txt requirements into the baserow/backend docker image. You can launch an environment using these images by running ./ local restart --build.

Dev Requirements contains our extra dev requirements on-top of dev.txt is the corresponding pip requirements file generated by pip-tools:

pip-compile --output-file=dev.txt

We install the dev.txt requirements into the baserow/backend docker image when built using the dev target (docker build ... --target dev). This dev backend image is the one used when running ./ restart --build etc.

Common Operations

Add a new base dependency

  1. Add a line to containing your new dependency
  2. In the backend lint tab opened by running ./ --build, or an active virtual environment with pip-tools installed.
  3. Ensure you are using python 3.9 if not using ./ --build
  4. cd requirements
  5. Run pip-compile --output-file=base.txt, review the changes to base.txt, commit and push them to your MR.

Add a new dev dependency

  1. Add a line to containing your new dependency
  2. In the backend lint tab opened by running ./ --build, or an active virtual environment with pip-tools installed.
  3. Ensure you are using python 3.9 if not using ./ --build
  4. cd requirements
  5. Run pip-compile --output-file=dev.txt, review the changes to dev.txt, commit and push them to your MR.

Upgrade an existing dependency

  1. Change the version in the corresponding .in file.
  2. Follow from step 2 above depending on which .in file you edited.