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Back-up Baserow Runbook

Backing Up Baserow

  1. Please ensure you only back-up a Baserow database which is not actively being used by a running Baserow instance or any other process which is making changes to the database.
  2. Please create PGPASS file to store the password for your database, see for more details on this file.
  3. Please read and understand the output of ./baserow backup_baserow --help
  4. Run the following command to back-up Baserow. PGPASSFILE=PATH_TO_YOUR_PGPASSFILE ./baserow backup_baserow -h YOUR_DB_HOST -d YOUR_DB_NAME -U YOUR_DB_USER -p YOUR_DB_PORT

Restoring Baserow

  1. Please ensure you never restore Baserow using a pooled connection but instead do the restoration via direct database connection.
  2. Make a new, empty database to restore the back-up file into, please do not overwrite existing databases as this might cause database inconsistency errors.
  3. Get a baserow backup tar gz file produced by the ./baserow backup_baserow command and its file path.
  4. Please create PGPASS file to store the password for your database, see for more details on this file.
  5. Please read and understand the output of ./baserow restore_baserow --help
  6. To restore Baserow run the following command: PGPASSFILE=PATH_TO_YOUR_PGPASSFILE ./baserow restore_baserow -h YOUR_DB_HOST -d YOUR_FRESH_DB_TO_RESTORE_INTO -U YOUR_DB_USER -p YOUR_DB_PORT -f PATH_TO_BACKUP_TAR_GZ