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VSCode Setup

This guide walks you through a first time VScode setup for Baserow for developers. It will ensure you can run and debug all tests and also enable all the relevant linters and automatic style fixers to make your life as easy as possible.

This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of git, python, virtualenvs, postgres and command line tools.

  1. First checkout a fresh copy of Baserow: git clone git@gitlab.com:baserow/baserow.git (or your personal fork of the project)
  2. cd baserow
  3. ./config/vscode/apply_standard_baserow_vscode_config.sh
    1. Type Y and hit enter to apply the standard Baserow config
  4. Open VSCode and on the "Welcome to VSCode" screen click the "Open" button and open the baserow folder you cloned above.
  5. Make sure you have installed / enabled the Python VSCode plugin.
  6. Now we will create python virtualenv and configure VSCode to use it to run tests and linters:
    1. Choose a location for your virtualenv, it is recommended to store it separately from the baserow source-code folder so VSCode does not search nor index it.
    2. Create the virtualenv: mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs; python3 -m venv $HOME/.virtualenvs/baserow or $HOME/.virtualenvs; virtualenv -p python $HOME/.virtualenvs/baserow
    3. Activate the virtualenv: source $HOME/.virtualenvs/baserow/bin/activate (could differ depending on your shell)
    4. Run which pip and ensure the output of this command is now pointing into the bin in your new virtualenv
    5. Change to the Baserow source directory: cd path/to/your/baserow
    6. Install all the Baserow python requirements into your virtualenv: pip install -r backend/requirements/dev.txt -r backend/requirements/base.txt
    7. Then you will most likely need to select it as default interpreter for the project:
      1. Type: Ctrl + Shift + P or open the command palette
      2. Type: Python: select interpreter
      3. Find and select your virtualenvs bin/python executable
    8. If do not see the python tests in the testing menu:
      1. Type: Ctrl + Shift + P or open the command palette
      2. Type: Python: Configure Tests
  7. Install and get a postgresql database running locally:
    1. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/tutorial-install.html
    2. Change the default postgres port otherwise it will clash when running with Baserow (the default VSCode config in the repo assumes your testing db is running on 5430)
      1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/187438/change-pgsql-port
    3. Create a baserow user called baserow with the password baserow and give them permission to create databases
      1. https://medium.com/coding-blocks/creating-user-database-and-adding-access-on-postgresql-8bfcd2f4a91e

        CREATE USER baserow WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'baserow';
        ALTER USER baserow CREATEDB;
    4. You might also have to pip install psycopg2-binary or sudo apt install libpq-dev
  8. Now you should be able to run the backend python tests from the testing menu, try run backend/tests/baserow/core/test_core_models.py for instance.
  9. Now lets set up your frontend dev by changing directory to baserow/web-frontend
  10. Use nvm to install the correct version of node. To determine the version of Node.js to use, see the runtimeVersion inside the launch.json file. E.g. if the version is v16.15.0, you can install it with: nvm install v16.15.0 and then enable it with nvm use v16.15.0. Alternatively, see baserow/docs/installation/supported.md to determine the supported version of Node.js to use.
  11. Install yarn globally: npm install -g yarn
  12. Now run yarn install to install dependencies.
  13. Select "Trust Project" if you see an VSCode popup after running yarn install
  14. If you do not see Jest tests in the testing menu:
    1. Type: Ctrl + Shift + P or open the command palette
    2. Type: Jest: Start All Runners
  15. Confirm you can run a web-frontend unit test from vscode

Recommended Plugins

You can use the VSC Export & Import to install what is inside config/vscode/vsc-extensions.txt. Otherwise, you can manually install:

  1. Python
  2. Volar
  3. Eslint
  4. Gitlab Workflow
  5. Gitlens
  6. Jest
  7. SCSS Formatter
  8. Stylelint
  9. Mypy
  10. Docker
  11. Coverage Gutters