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🔐 Permissions system guide

The permission system is used to control access to resources or functionality within Baserow. It determines who is allowed to perform certain operations or access certain data.

The permission system is pluggable and allows for the easy addition or replacement of different components that handle the authorization of user operations. It provides flexibility and modularity in the way that access to resources or functionality is controlled within Baserow.

This allows for different authorization strategies to be easily implemented and swapped out as needed without having to make significant changes to the overall code.

📖 Glossary

Before going any further, we need to agree on the definition of some terms:

Object: represents a piece of data in Baserow. One of Field, Row, Table, Database, Workspace, User, Team, Role, Webhook, …

Hierarchical Objects: in Basrow, Objects are related to each others and we can have a parent <-> children dependency between two Objects. A full hierarchy tree can be created with all the Baserow objects. For instance, The Table Object is a child of a Database.

Actor: A generic term grouping anything that can perform Operations on an Object in Baserow. Can be a User but also a Personal API Token or an AnonymousUser...

Operation: an action an Actor do on an Object. Some examples:

  • database.list_tables: the operation to list the Tables related to a Database.
  • database_table.create_row: the action to create a Row in a Table.
  • database_table.update: the action to update a Table Object.

Context: the Object on which the an Operation is applied. For instance:

  • for the Operation database.list_tables the context object is the Database we want the Table list for.
  • for the Operation database_table.create_row the context object is the Table we want to create the Row for.
  • for the Operation database_table.update the context object is also the Table we want to update.

Permission request: a Permission request is represented by a triplet consisting of an Actor, an Operation, and a Context, which is used to determine if access to a specific resource or functionality is granted or denied by the Permission system. The Context can be omitted if the Operation doesn't need one.

Permission system: the whole mechanism in Baserow that decides if a Permission request is allowed or not. The Permission system relies on Permission managers to take a decision regarding a specific Permission request in a given Workspace.

Permission manager: a Permission manager is a pluggable part of the Permission system that can decide if a Permission Request is allowed or not when some criteria are met. Each Permission manager is responsible to take a decision in some situation. For instance the StaffOnlyPermissionManager can decide to disallow an Operation if the given Actor is not part of the staff.

Workspace: An Operation can take place in a specific Workspace (Formerly Group).

Subject: includes all Actors but also groups of Actors like Teams.

Personal API Token: An authentication token which can be created by users in their settings area in Baserow. It is owned by a User, for a Workspace, allowing access to some of our API endpoints.

📃 Main principles

For every Operation an Actor wants to perform on a Context, a Permission request is checked by the permission system. Behind the scene, the Permission request is tested by each Permission manager one by one always in same order. Each Permission manager can:

  • Allow the Permission Request. Then the operation can be executed.
  • Disallow the Permission Request. The operation is canceled and an error is raised.
  • Passthrough the Permission Request. The Permission Request is then tested by the next Permission manager

If none of the Permission managers have allowed or disallowed the Permission, then the permission is disallowed by default.

Permission diagram



  1. If a non admin user wants to create Table in a Database of his Workspace, the following permission is tested: (user, "database.create_table", database) by the Permission system. 2) The Permission request is first given to the CorePermissionManager that can't take a decision, because it's not a core operation. Then it is given to the StaffOnlyPermissionManager that also can't decide because this is not a staff only operation. 3) The last permission manager the permission will be tested is the BasicPermissionManager that will allows the Permission request because it's not an Admin only operation so the user can execute it.

⚙️ The backend

Most of the Permission system is driven by the backend. The main components of the Permissions system are the following:

  • OperationType: you need an OperationType for every Operation you want to check.
  • PermissionManagerType: the Permission managers are responsible for allowing or not the Permission requests.
  • SubjectType: every Actor you want to use in the Permission system must belongs to a SubjectType.
  • ObjectScopeType: every Context object must be part of the Baserow Object hierarchy. By now it's implemented by having a related ObjectScopeType for each Object type.

All of them are objects you can register in their related registry to extend the core functionnalities of Baserow Permission system.

Check a Permission on the backend

When you want to test a permission on the backend, you'll have to use the CoreHandler.check_permission method.

    # The actor can be the user who did the request: actor = request.user.
    # CreateRowDatabaseTable is an `OperationType` class and `.type` is its name.

If the permission request is allowed then this method will return True if not, it will raise a PermissionException.

The workspace (formerly group) is optionnal if the operation is a core operation outside of any group.

Filter a Django Queryset

Another common use case related to permissions is to filter a django queryset based on the permissions of the user. You can acheive queryset filtering with this method call.

    # The actor can be the user who did the request: actor = request.user.
    # CreateRowDatabaseTable is an `OperationType` class and `.type` is its name.

Here the context is the database because we are listing the tables of this database but the queryset is a Table queryset. This is consistent with the object_scope property of the ListTablesDatabaseTableOperationType which is TableObjectScope. This is the purpose of object_scope property it helps to determine what kind of objects the operation targets.

Declare a new operation

An OperationType instance must be registered for each Operation you want to check. It can be declared this way:

from baserow.core.registries import OperationType

class ListTablesDatabaseTableOperationType(OperationType):
    type = "database.list_tables" # Type
    context_scope_name = "database" # The name of the type of context needed to check permissions
    object_scope_name = "database_table" # The name of the type of the objects handled by the operation

For most of the operation the context_scope_name and the object_scope_name are the same, so the last can be omitted. However regarding all "list" operations, the object_scope_name is in general one of the children of the context object in the hierarchy of the Objects. When you want to list all Tables of a Database, the context is a Database and the objects are the Tables. When you list all Databases of an Application, the context is an Application and the objects are the related Databases.

This class must be registered in the operation_type_registry in order to be used.

from baserow.core.registries import operation_type_registry

An Operation instance is saved in database for each registered operation. You can use them later in your permission manager code if necessary.

Create a backend Permission manager

A permission manager is responsible for deciding whether or not a Permission Request is allowed for a certain application area. To ensure proper separation of concerns, a good permission manager should only handle one permission checking use case. The permission managers are then stacked to create a complex and powerful permission checking algorithm. You can think of them like being a Django middleware, but instead for a Permission Request instead.

To create a new permission manager you have to create a new PermissionManagerType and implement the required methods.

from baserow.core.registries import PermissionManagerType

class OwnedTablePermissionManagerType(PermissionManagerType):
    type = "owned_table"

    def check_multiple_permissions(self, check, workspace=None, include_trash=False):

    def get_permissions_object(self, actor, group=None):

    def filter_queryset(self, actor, operation_name, queryset, group=None)

A quick summary of these methods:

  • .check_multiple_permissions is the permissions checking method itself. It takes multiple checks at once for better performances. For each check the result dict should have the value True if the permission manager can accept the permission or an instance of PermissionException if not or it shouldn't include the check at all if the permission manager cannot make a decision about this check.
  • get_permissions_object should return any value that will be helpfull to the frontend permission manager to check a frontend permission. The data returned should be sufficient for the frontend to make a decision without having to request further data from the backend.
  • filter_queryset is used to filter a queryset regarding the permissions the actor has on the Objects returned by the queryset. The method should exclude the same Objects that the .check_permission would exclude if it was called for each Objects of the queryset.

You can read the related docstring to learn more about these methods.

Then, you can register it in the permission_manager_type_registry.

from baserow.core.registries import permission_manager_type_registry

You'll have to add your permission manager in the enabled permission manager list in the Django settings:

'owned_table', # <- here

The position of the permission manager in the list depends on its priority over the other permission managers. In our case we want the permission manager to answer before the basic permission manager has a chance to refuse it.

Now you can check a permission that is handled by your permission manager 🎯.

Remember that you probably need a frontend permission manager for each backend permision manager. See frontend section for more information.

📺 The frontend

How to check a Permission

On the frontend you can check a permission with the $hasPermission method available on the Vue instance:

// Inside a Vue component
// this.$hasPermission(<operationName>, <contextObject>, <curentGroupId>)
this.$hasPermission("database.create_table", database, group.id);

This call returns true if the operation is granted false otherwise.

The permissions object

The frontend permissions are calculated with the permission object sent by the backend at login for each group the user has access to. Check the .get_permissions_object method from each backend permission manager.

The permission object looks like this:

    "name": "core",
    "permissions": [
    "name": "staff",
    "permissions": {
      "staff_only_operations": [
      "is_staff": true
    "name": "basic",
    "permissions": {
      "admin_only_operations": [
      "is_admin": true

Each entry of the list has been generated by a permission manager on the backend. The name property is the .type of the permission manager itself and the permissions property can be any value that helps the frontend to decide of the permission can be granted or not. For each backend permission manager a frontend permission manager should also be registered to handle it's value.

To check the permissions, the frontend $hasPermission plugin asks to each permission manager for which the name is listed in this object, in the list order, if the permission is granted or not given the data from the permissions property.

For instance the BasicPermissionManagerType.hasPermission(permissions, operation, context, workspaceId) method will be called with the following object:

    "admin_only_operations": [
    "is_admin": true

See next section to learn how to create the frontend permission manager.

Creating a permission manager

For each backend permission manager you probably need a frontend permission manager (some permission managers don't need one).

You can create a frontend permission manager this way:

import { PermissionManagerType } from '@baserow/modules/core/permissionManagerTypes'

export class OwnedTablePermissionManagerType extends PermissionManagerType {
  static getType() {
    return 'owned_table'

  hasPermission(permissions, operation, context) {
    // ...

Check out the documentation of the PermissionManagerType methods to figure out how to implement hasPermission for your permission manager.

Then you need to register it during the Vue plugin initialisation phase in the plugin.js frontend file of your project.

app.$registry.register('permissionManager', new OwnedTablePermissionManagerType(context))

And that's it, you have a fully functionnal frontend permission manager.

📝 Conclusion

If you want to create a new way to validate Permissions, you'll have to:

  • Create a backend permission manager
  • Implement its methods
  • Register the permission manager
  • Add missing operations if any
  • Create a frontend permission manager
  • Implement its methods
  • register the frontend permisison manager
  • Test everything

🤔 A few considerations

The Permission system has been designed with these constraints in mind:

  • Must be extensible (to support RBAC from enterprise folder)
  • Must be as much compatible with the previous system (The .has_user method) as possible
  • Must play well with realtime
  • Must be able to work with object but also a collection of objects
  • Must be performant
  • Must avoid code duplication between backend and frontend

That may explain some of the decisions that has been made.

More technically:

  • The parent of a Database is not the group has we could imagine first but the "more generic" type which is the Application. It solves a lot of issues (but also creates some if we don't pay attention).
  • For a User Actor, the Basic permission manager has two "roles", ADMIN and MEMBER which is compatible with the previous permission system. The Role name is stored in the GroupUser.permissions field. The idea is to make the other Role based system using this field to make them compatible and avoid duplication of data or synchronisation when switching from one system to another. For the BasicPermissionManagerType, The ADMIN value in this property means the user is ADMIN. For any other values the User is treated as a simple MEMBER of the Workspace.
  • The current Personnal API Token has been partially migrated to the current permission system.
  • The AnonymousUser is a SubjectType that can be handled by some permission manager.


  • Add a new Authentication Token to replace the old one that really use the permission system.
  • Renaming the .permissions field to something more understantable.
  • Handle Public views with a new Permission manager.
  • Create a few more Roles